Aidiladha, this year, falls on 17 November, 2010. Wednesday.
During this time, Muslims would gives, and contribute together. This contribution may be seen through the process of 'melapah'. I am a bit ashamed, since I myself as never done it. But, I still like to observe, every now and then. And for me, it does not matter how tasty the food is, how much Qurban you are willing to sacrifice, and how many friends' house you are visiting. The most important thing is to be with your family. and I am happily reporting, that I am happy, here in Keramat. With my loving family. My great 52 years old mom. My older 23 years brother, and my youn ger 19 years old brother. Now there may seems gaps between us. And we do not really talk a lot. But, I am glad they are here. As should everyone in the world. Just be happy that you are blessed with your families. Appreciate them. Never take them for granted. With this, here goes my wish!
'Salam Aidil Adha 1431 Hijrah.'
May Happiness and Joys Will Always Be With Us!
Cheers for a Delightful Day Ahead!