Sang Penulis.

My photo
Pelajar Semester 3, Kewartawanan. Suka memasang impian dan cita cita, tinggi menggunung.


Sisa Semester 3 di UiTM.

Final, Final.

Semua orang pun tengah pening berFinal Exam. As for me, entahla. Semester ni, macam tak semangat, tak excited, tak best, tak confident. Ia bukanlah sesuatu yang bagus untuk dikatakan, tapi, entahla.

Pertama, Usaha. kemudian, baru Tawakal. Tapi, entahlah. CTU a.k.a Islam dan Komunikasi, ynag mana semester ini adalah yang terakhir, yang patutnya boleh buat yang terbaik, pun, ala Kadar saja.

Tapi, apa2 pun, aku mengharapkan yang terbaik. Insya Allah.

Esok, aku akan kembali ke Melaka. Menghabiskan sisa kertas exam. Dan menghabiskan sisa tugas sebagai Naib Setiausaha 2 KOMED, harapnya.

Banyak yang sudah berlaku, sejak aku last update blog ini. Tapi entahla. Untuk aku mengingati sendiri, pun begitu banyak.
Contoh manusia yang Lemah Ingatan ---> Ashraf Hafizuddin.

Cinta yang Kembali Bersemarak, Suka yang Baru Diputik, Menjadi 20 tahun, Sepuluh hari yang lalu, Cinta Pada yang Betul, Modelling Session, StoryBoard dan Grafik yang TAK menjadi, dan macam macam lagi.

For Jiha, I seriously like you, although we JUST met.

Semua itu, dalam lipatan Part 3. Dalam sejarah semester April 2009. Harapanku, Moga Penghujungnya adalah Bagus, dan Menarik, dan Ada Something REALLY GREAT, out of all this.


Everlasting Friendship.

That's what I like to think about my relationship with Mel. MY BESTIEST~!! He was the One person I care most, after My Family. He and Fikry.

He was the last one for me to be talking, before I went off to Malacca, last week.\
He was the first one for me to be seeing, straight after I arrived in KL, somewhere around two months ago.

He's the Best- EST Bestiest.

It all has gone to ashes, though.
My fault. He was asking me, practically dragging me, to go to Green Box Karaoke.
But. I wasn't in the mood.


Plus, with Public Relation and Journalism Paper, coming up.
And tomorrow's Photoshoot for KOMED. Means I have to go bck early. Means no KL- time for me.


That's the price I have to pay.

Again, THOUSANDS, THOUSANDS, THOUSANDS, apologize for Badrul Muzzamil.
This is the only way I kne how to reach him.




.Last Week is the Hectic-est Week.

Two down, several more to go.
Assignment is due among the last weeks of study, of course.

And of course, the principle "Last Minute Work is The Best Work". Well, not necessarily, but that's what been practiced, by me myself.

Now that FesComm and Photo Gallery is over, things have been,less stressful for me.
But then, lots has happened since the last time this blog is updated. My brother was involved in accident, and I myself has just had my share of the same thing, last night.

Everything went so fast, and next thing I knew, I had already reach Masjid Tanah. It was like, the accident never happened. But the pain, Gosh. Now i knew, how does the four young students of Tuah, UiTM Melaka felt.

The incident taught me lots. But then, have we ever really take lesson, out of this? Hurhmm.

In the love side, well, I have develop feelings toward 5 persons. (Boleh tak 5 orang sekali. Haha.)

Tapi, it's just feelings, lah.

For days to come, presentations and assignments is on the way.

Hopefully, I would do my best, this semester, too.
