I'm quite glad, now. since we're already in our last week, here in UiTM Malacca. All the class has finished since this Tuesday. (as to when I write this thing, it's Azan Maghrib, and it's Thursday).
if it was to me, i have long ago pack my bag, and BYE2 Malacca. but then, well, we still have several matters. we have to change our KOKO, and submit assignments, (which, hatefully, due tomorrow). and, to top things off, we' MassComm in Malacca, are having tests, on weekend, for God's Sake. Well, it wouldnt be the first, but, hell~! Weekend. Last weekend of Ramadhan. People were like, having last minutes 'Raya Party' and all. And we have to sit for our Final Test. Writing and Public Speaking, that is.
this week, it had been crazy. People were like, all shout, all making faces. And, somewhere along the lines, I dont FUCKING know how i get myself involved.
Problems with classmates. And then, Assignments. And then, Room mates. Pegghs. and i could stay steady. and the fact that if have red hair. WTF??! So what? People are having blondes, perples whatever fucking colour.
there are good things, out of this, though. Mass Comm, we'll have a tea party. this Saturday. and just recently, i sit and talked with, get this, Liyana Jasmay~!!
and, i modelled for Dosh, my Room Mate, for his storyboard. huhuh~!
i could proudly say, 'wa caya sama lu, la dude!!', to myself.