.Azzah & I.
After such a long and extended holiday, the new semester finally began. Bringing with it, sigh, lots of new and old dramas, new and old friends and such. For starter, I was boarding this bus to UiTM at 9pm, on 4th of January, and there’s this Part One student, who actually knew me through the MMS week. And then of course, there are always my beloved room mates. Okay, truthfully, I was not suppose to be in the room, but then, problems occurs and like always, people very much like to talk in the back rather than confront it. Hint, hint.
And then, there’s this Tengku something who’s Grandpa has just died. The Yang Dipertua Negeri Sembilan, something. Apparently, he’s in our room now. And the best part is, he likes, OBSESS to one of the few people who constantly went into our room. And he told us. And expect us not to feel anything, and keep it a secret. Duh.
New semester, the classes, well, as they always said, “Getting Tougher by the Moment”. We have to shoot pictures using cameras, do Graphic, wear formal on Friday, and dealing with Ustaz as the English teacher. The lecturers, well, for sure is very different from last semesters’. To top it all, I signed myself us for Seni Tari, which sadly, only has 5 people in it. Four of which I am not-so-close to. Gosh, and to think that I still have four months.
And then of course, the old feud, left unsettled. Well, not a feud, more to, misunderstanding, it seems.
As for old flames, who would have thought, it rises back. Of course, yeah, I AM SO HAPPY with my significant others now. But then, what do you do if you owe this someone a position, and your assignments. Someone who really likes you… or, maybe just using you. What would you do?
It is not my intention to hurt anyone. In fact, I would very much love to please everybody. But then, The More Friend You Have, The More Enemy You’ll Get, or something. It is just something you have to deal with.
I just wish, with the New Semester and the New Year, it will not only bring with it New Dramas, but also Lots of Success, Happiness and, Great Stuffs. And may my relation does not affect my studies. :)
p/s - this one is written last two weeks. Since then, well, dramas mounting. sigh.
new dramas.. hurm.. happy ending rite?
happy ending?
i just hope that there will be one.
drama di mane2.
like you once said,
"everyone pon bajet drama queen".
*thanks for commenting, though.*
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