Sang Penulis.

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Pelajar Semester 3, Kewartawanan. Suka memasang impian dan cita cita, tinggi menggunung.



Having spent the last 6 months of my life at the place I dreaded and despised most, well, eventually the result is out~!

My 1st ever result, my 1st ever CGPA and what I’d achieved this last few months. And, frankly, it happened right after I spent the horrible-but-cool-in-a-way weekend, at Seremban. Right after I got back to KL, I just called my ONE of my best friends, fik the Makhayam, and we checked the result together. I was so, excited, curious, afraid… (Whatever feeling, you named it). But it was a relieved, that Fiq was there. For what it’s worth, at least, I still have someone to comfort me.

And I do need comfort -ance, after all. I got 3.8!! well, this thing came off as no surprise, since my friend, has already checked his results, and he got 3.55. and he was like, so confidence that I’d be much better than him. It turn out, yeah, I did! It was so overwhelming.

Fiq and I, we’d made a deal, that he would buying me, at this restaurant that we always hang out together, with our friends. Nothing fancy. Just a simple drink. But we got off really late from the cyber cafĂ©. And it was already 4.30 in the morning.

So does Monday. I’d achieved what I considered the best result, but, no celebration for me. No nothing. Nada. Poor me. Well, in the night, I went off for a drink, with Sha, and she’s not even my real friends. Tuesday, well, at least Dila’s home. And we dine at the restaurant. Just like old times. With old friends, too. Unfortunately, Fiq doesn’t seem to like the idea of having best-friends-turn-foe in the same table. So, there I was. Caught up in the drama.

I was really looking forward for a present. A new handset. Or a motorcycle. That would be cool. But no. mom thought of buying me laptop. Duh. She already thought about it way before I even sat on the final exam. So as to help me in my work. If only she knew.
Of course, despite all this whining and drama, I still felt blessed. And bersyukur. Since, Allah has given me so much. Place in the University. The motor license. And now. This. Not many people even got the chance. And for that. Alhamdullillah

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