Sang Penulis.

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Pelajar Semester 3, Kewartawanan. Suka memasang impian dan cita cita, tinggi menggunung.


.Someone's Someone.

Kick in the teeth. Just, amazing.

Well, things people would do to get what they wanted. And of course, I’m no saint. Owh. Cut the crap. I’d spent last weekend, with a perfectly, completely stranger. And the completely stranger family. It all started on Friday. It was the morning. I was whoring around. And suddenly, there’s this person, practically begging me to come to Seremban.

And, what do you know? There I was, on my way to Seremban, by Commuter, which I had not been taken, since I was, say, 10 years old! Well, I do believe that the someone have a good heart, kind, and sincere. I just had to, since I’m already on my way. And it was, I bet, the last train.

Yeah, okay, nice and all, yes. But what I didn’t expected, is that the someone already married. And, I was shocked. Real Shocked. Pure Shocked. Trying to ruin someone’s wedding, that’s not my style. I don’t work that way. I kept thinking about what I said, to this friend of mine, about the exact same thing. How I despise it. And, back then, I’m exactly in his shoes. Gosh~!

So, there I was. Spending a weekend, with a total stranger, and the family. Well, there’s a tiny, good side, out of all this. There’s this two kids, completely adorable. I always love kids. And, sometimes when I was there, it’s the kid that I’m staying for. Well, that, and the fact that the house is rather far from town. So, frankly speaking,
I ‘m stuck.

Then there was that someone’s someone. The person was great, nice, and honestly, the only person who treats me well. So much that, it hurt me to see, how his significant other lying, straight to the person’s face. Well, I do believe that the person already knew that the partner is doping. But I guess, the person wants what best for their marriage. Well, no sir. I’m not going to get myself involved in one matrimony. It was too sacred.

And brace yourself! Someone did admire me. Well, you know how this little festival usually brings people to get to know new people, and eventually end up in love. Well, that’s exactly what had happened. Some girls like me. And asked for my number. Haha. Well, friend’s cool. Although, now that I’ve had that crisis, I strongly believe that I’m not going back to the place. No, Sir!

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