Last Friday.
It was sort of a reunion Day. Well, at first, it just started with a usual Friday Prayer. Pretty Boring, even though it was just my second day in KL. Well, I was getting bored by spending all day at home, doing nothing.
So, my plan, for me and Shariman to go savoring that ABC at Kenanga we’re so craved about. As she texted Fikri, in no time, Fikri has arrived, and after a quick (well, not so quick, lah) change, there we were, at Pavilion. It was just like last year. During these times.
We even went to Carl’s. Of first I experienced with Mel and Kobby, last year. We even had a crazy photo shoot. Take a look at the pictures. It is CRAZY! Anyhow, ingatkan the excitement dah habis. But, as we’re reaching home, Mel texted. And suddenly, there we were, at Alibi’s.
At first, it was weird. We haven’t talked for soo long. Mel and I. in a way, I was quite hurt. But, as he willing to let it go, well, I might as well go along je. So, there we were. Alibi’s. At Setiawangsa. Yang kami tak pernah lepak. Shisha lagi. Best. And then, came Rahman, and his brother. Yang aku lupe nama die. Then, Hanaffy. After a while it was getting pretty hot. Semua pun dah merepek. Shisha effect, kot.
And, just then, I saw my old friend, from PLKN dulu. Aku tahu dia duduk Setiawangsa. Wan Hakimi tak silap nama dia. Tapi dia tak ingat aku. Sedih.
After, datanglah Syafiq Izwan and the gang. Iqbal. Aizat Azlan. Muaz. Setiawangsa School Reunion. Hahah.
11 o’clock, the party’s over. It was weird though. The feelings. Seeing old friends. Haha. Well, pictures said it best. So, lihatlah.
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