*the scenery at KLCC's waterfront. thanks Google*
It was Friday. And I was here. Kalau dah namanya Friday, mustilah ke club. Mel pun dah lama plan untuk ke club. Aku pun dah buat serba sedikit persediaan. Dan Fikri juga telah memujukku supaya pergi. Tapi kesian Mel. Akhirnya, tak menjadi. First, aku tiba tiba TingTong. Mana taknya. Paracetamol 2, Selsema 4. Gowd. Pengsan terus. Second, muncul kerisauan yang akan ada Rush. Takut juga. Sedar2, muka kami di dada akhbar dan ibubapa datang menjemput di Balai Polis. Third, and most foremost, duit pun sudah kurang. Biasalah. Students dan Interns. Nak expect apa?
Jadi, cancellah malam Jumaat tu. Dan aku, sambung tidur. Around 1, though, suddenly my brother called up to me. Unfortunately, we had a short circuit. Our house only. And the fuse is burned, with a real fire coming up. It was scary. The consequences? We didn't have electricity up to 3pm on Saturday. Poor my mom. She spent yet another amount of money to pay for the fix.
Saturday, I texted Mel in the morning. He seemed unwillingly to go out. But later on, I got that usual surprised call, saying Koben on his way and we're going round. What planned as 'Jusco' at first, took us up to KLCC park. Did some Camwhoring, a remade of Ciara's Work and we're off to, pasar malam au3. Bumped into some of my old classmate. Suddenly it's like an unplanned reunion. gosh.
Koben sent me and Mel back home. But I'm pretty sure that there's more. After all, Mel have been saying about Mali's, couple of times. As on queued, Mel asked to get ready. 15 minutes. I was expecting his car, but instead Wira came. Alyn. Koben's BFF. She's cute. And really nice. Made our way to Mali's. Missed that place myself.
Shisha time! We had that Transform flavor. Don't know what it transforms us too. Then, as I bought the drinks (for the second round. hee), Alyn came. We talked and I got to know her better. She's really cool. I even invited myself to M.O.S. haha. tak malu! Then a question popped out, "The guys came already?". "Yea". GOD! majal pulak!
Then, as we arrived to the table, of course, I just HAVE to humiliate myself. hee. and it went on till 4 o'clock. Luckily Alice made a stop to our table. Least, she's one person I know. As time passed, I was getting tired. The guys, Alyn, they're all cool. Just, guess its time to be at home, already.
After much contradictions, we finally on our way home. I was being a total bitch. sorry, kobain! But, the night was quite good. Got to thinking, in order for me to get ting tong, all I need is an SKL *Cherry*, Two Shisha *Transform + Love*, Lots of Drinks *Teh O Ais* and Out till 5am. haha. Although, being me, I kept silence most of the time, I quite enjoyed it. MUCHOS GRACIAS to Mel, Kobain, and Alyn. And the Boys, *Muiz, Shamin and Arill* (hope i got it right).
Oh, no pictures of any of the above mentioned incidents. Later will update it.