*Amcorp Mall - Mel's Intern. LC, anyone? Haha*

*10th Floor, I tink. And if you could see, the Beautiful Park*
Dear bloggers.
Hey. hm. my one-week holiday are coming to the end. will be back to lendu, malacca and beloved (ke?) uitm tomorrow moning. havent been able to update this for a while. well, nothing's to write about.
Where to start, eh? oh, i know. after the not so long silent squabble with my mom, i decided to let it go. parents. thanks to those who gave me advises. you know who you are. all righty then, wednesday. i was planning to pick Mel up, from his office at Amcorp Mall, Taman Jaya. Shocking news, he's kinda injured himself. Luckily it was nothing.
So the pickup went the day after. Thursday. I was kinda late, at 5pm. And fasting that day. And did not offered a lady, a seat. Kinda felt terrible, but then it was packed train. Gosh. Arrived Amcorp Mall around 6. Mel havent finished his job yet. So there I was, waiting. After 10 minutes, sorry to say, I think I've finished the whole Mall. Then Mel came, we kinda huha huha at The Park and we dined at a&w. And, on our way back, we saw this 'nok' with a bling2 on. haha.
We met Alice for a while. She's pretty as she is. Always. Mel is resitting his paper. Best of Luck to him. I wanted him to hold that scroll and pursue studies. And, as for Jiha. Haih. It really is complicated, when you are close to someone. And you like that person, and she/he is not really what you wanted him/her to be. Hm. Muffin. If you know what I mean. Oh, and Mel DID give me muffins. Tasty-licious.
thanx for the a&w!
no biggies.
just a&w je pon.
but the float was fun.
dah squirt2 pon.
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