The holiday is about to come to an end. Gosh. I hate it. The feeling you get when a holiday is about to be over. But, heck, I am not the only one.
Anyway, last two days, the HEP of UiTM Malacca called me. Regarding the “Pembantu Mahasiswa” post that I applied earlier. It was a bit of a really late last minutes notice, and frankly, I haven’t had enough of spending the days at home.
Of course, staying at house and idling around driving me nuts. But, it’s much fun, compared to the times at Malacca. No home works. No backstabbers. Less drama, (OK, that would be a lie, Malacca or KL the drama is just the same). But then, I don’t know, I planned to savour this last week with my friend.
I have juggling through the pros and cons. At least, some of it. And asked around people’s opinion about it. in return, I get some mixed answers, definitely not helping.
Staying Home at Lovely KL … or Become a Newbies Facilitator???
These are the Good Sides, of being a Facilitator, at least what I can list.
1. I can relive the moment when I was a freshies. (After all, it’s the December intake, just like when I got in).
2. There is some money being offered. (Not much, but then, some cash would be good).
3. I am quite afraid, had I turned down this opportunity, will it ever come again?
4. Of course, I’ll be doing some good deeds.
5. I have nothing better to do at my house anyway.
But then,
There are Appeals of Staying Home.
1. I get to spend another splendid, out-of-college week at my home-y house, of course. Nothing like it.
2. Outing with my dear friends, here.
3. Truthfully, I don’t really expect that I would get the offer, anyway.
All these, and add to it the fact that I don’t know much people there. What if, I turned to be out there, alone? Hmm. This thing really IS confusing. Oh, and quoting what the HEP said, “Pastikan anda ada di sana pada 21 Disember, pukul 2 petang. Bas akan bawa anda ke hotel di Tanjung Bidara.”
It will be this Sunday. Gosh. And I haven’t really decided. I’m not all THAT conscious about getting back. But, uhmm, I don’t know.
I suppose, after thinking, I do have Plan B. Which is, I joined the program for a week, and as soon as its Friday, I’ll board the bus home. And will be coming on 4th Jan. But then, that include money, of which I don’t really have. But staying there? Man!
Gosh. . .
I just, I don’t know what to do. I wish I didn’t pick up that damn phone.
p/s - as to when im posting this, I have already decided, due to mom's suggestion, that i'd be goin to Malacca tomorrow.
ohoho ashraff, i baru nak masuk part 4 la dear!
haha neway tengs.
u jadik la PM, sangat besh, oke?
sangat sangat best n exciting!
last sem i jadik PM.
tapi dis sem tak sempat, i tak anta borang. hehe.
maaf lah, taktau time tu, pa'din.
i was the pm, for last two sems.
and it was TIRING!
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