.The Fabulous Party People.
.Acap & Fabulous Ari.
.Acap & Fabulous Alice.
.Mels with the Fabulous Gifts.
It took me a while to write this. Well, busy, at home. Haha.
Anyway, as I said, it is the BEST BDAY PARTY I ever had. Terbaek, The Greatest. Haha. I don’t know if anyone notices, but Kobby Fierce and I do contribute, at least part of it. It all start well, accidentally I saw Kobby onlining. And I already had this idea, of doing something at Mel’s party. So, we were brainstorming, and comes,
1. Accessories for the party
2. Gifts for Mel
3. Cakes
So, secretly, we met up a day before the party. Oh, the ite before, I was fighting my butt, and life, to ‘rempit’ and find the accessories. The ‘Feeewwitt’ thing, Alphabest and all. The next day, well, I met Kobby, and we bought the ‘Pop’ thing. (It would have been good if we could played it in the Karaoke room, but, sadly, we cant). Anyway, we went to Pavilion, and searched for the cake.
Zen seems nice, but then, it was RM 52. So, we made our way to Secret Recipe. What do you know? Its more expensive there. Back to Zen. Then, while we were finding gifts (more like Kobby finding the gift), we surprisingly, saw Chef Wan. I was way excited.
Anyway, as the night passed, it was 12 o clock. And I was at Mel’s. The way I planned it all the times before. And I sang ‘Happy BIRTHDAY TO You”, together with Fikri. Sigh. That’s the first drama. Apparently, he wanted to join in the fun, but Bad seems not too excited by it. I was torn apart, yet again. . .
The next day, after Friday prayer, I made my way to Mel’s. And presenting, Malaysia’s Next Top Mak Andam, Acap. Haha. We were dressing up, and I was working on my gift, at his house, using his own printer. Pathetic. And dramas of the day comes. Alice was late, and as we made our way, the streets were packed! But we made our way through.
And the room, it was huge. That’s when Kobby break it. That we had met te day before, and that we have few decorations to made. And slowly, here comes the guests. Ady, Chin and Ari were the first one to come.
That, followed by Azahar (yeay!). And then, came Alice, Putri and Shila. These girls were way cool. The party started, but frankly, I have been digging up the foods way before the party was officially started. Cant help it, since it was BUFET Bash a.k.a Eat ALL You Can Bash.
The rest, as they said, is history. We camwhore-ing, karaoke-ing, bitchy-ing, and having Fun. Yeah. It was fun. The foods was WAY Delicious. There was all sorts of cakes. Spaghettis. Rice. Chickens. Lobsters. Oysters. (Hint for Ari…Haha). And lots more. And here comes the cakes. And, Opening Presents Session. I’m quite glad, knowing I was part of this. The karaoke went to 11 o clock.
Oh, Ady’s voice really is tip top. As someone as said “Meleleh dah pon”.
Then, come the after party. Where the Real drama begun. Apparently, we were waiting for Danang who had a prom. And there were only two cars since Putri has left. So, while waiting, I saw the guy from Seremban, that I did mention in one of my blogs. And Fikri was pushing me. I thought of going to after party, (which happened to be at the club) with the crazy kids. But well, as always I accompanied Fikri. It wasn’t all bad. I saw Shah, which I had mention in blogs, too.
I was dancing like crazy. After so many months not being there, well, there I was. I met Fikri’s friends. Yoko, Shafiq, Ryan… And Mel left me. We get out from the club at three, and made our way to NZ. Fikri was, again, being Fikri, and I was, at Mel’s house, being Acap. It was a fucking tired day. But, definitely ONE OF THE BEST DAYS EVER.
P/s – at NZ, Mel, Kobby and Azahar all said the same things, that I should move over Annas. But I don’t know. The feeling was there. Sigh.
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