it all happens so fast. one minutes, i was happily checking all trhe animals, the next thing i knew, the car got wreck. just like that.
and apparently, its not the only thing i have to face, throughout the semester's break. first, the kantoi. next, the scholar rejection. not forgetting, granny's not well. mom's car get wrecked. and now, this? seriously, i thought i had gained my strength. i am looking for better days. am looking for a little, celebration, in fact. but, the accident? well, it changes everything. i am now wearing clothes that already felt itchy since i cant go back home, since mom doesnt allow me to. and becoming real uncomfy at others' houses. and have to get ready and packing my stuffs for next sem begiinoing, hell, in monday.
i know, people may thing i bragged. but seriously, im not. i wonder, how does a stright a's (well, not straight, but doing good and keeping up) student, get stuck with all these? is this the price that i have to pay for the success? or is this is some kind of payback for my sin? as Muslim, yes, i believe in Qada' and Qadar. but at times, things just seems so much, SO much so that dead, seems like the best solution. maybe it is. hell. i dont know.
in less than two days, we'll be in 2010. it was suppose to be a new year, a new resolution, a new beginning. frest start. but, im still caught in yesterdays' issues. am still caught in same emotions. my wish? well, as for things to turn out if not better, well, slightly okayed, than all this.
Sang Penulis.
- Ashraff Bennett
- Pelajar Semester 3, Kewartawanan. Suka memasang impian dan cita cita, tinggi menggunung.
'tis the season to be jolly

.books that REALLY served well.

.Santa, and Snowman.
.This Little reindeer, is my personal touch.
well, its two days before Christmas. not that I celebrated it, but all the excitement, the reds, the whites, the Santa, the snow (obviously, this is the best part about christmas. sadly, there's none here. sigh), the warmth feel, and the fact that its Christmas itself. this all equal to one thing, JOY.
I believed, I had gone through my dark moments, if not just a while ago. but, thanks to Mitch Albom's Five People You Meet In Heaven, I cheered up, if not much. I know now, that everyone's connected, and not one person should feel that they're meaningless. And that everyone's path crossed, and that sometimes, in order for one to live a life, others has given theirs, instead. In a way, that little book has brought me back my confidence.
And the fact that I am now Fully-Licensed. Hah! That's also help.
And that it is CHRISTMAS! forgive and forget, one might say. As for me, I am happy, just to have the holiday. though, the sight of Santa wouldn't hurt.
misery, all over.
Salve! (Hello, in Italy).
Lots has happened since the last update. More or less, im still the same ashraf, yes. but the memories that has taken place, throughout the entire week, will live forever.
first, the trip to bangsar, yet again for me. which i rewarded myself bit of 'tattoo' and little grocery.
then, on wednesday, I received two bad news. first, about my granny. apparently, she has some accidents, a serious one, that my mom decided to come back to our hometown. second, the application for the scholar, has been rejected, just like that. my feeling, toward both incidents, are rather undefined.
next, the night of thursday,and friday, came the withdrawn plans. for both of the night. honestly, I wasnt really excited about both nights. but, cant help but feel bit sad about it. as for friday, well, it was good, that I can be high all over in Andalus. but in singlet, that's not really a sight to be seen, and to be shown.
saturday came, and it was quite a disaster. yea, the pillow fight was entertaining, and the Flowers are, too. but, at the end of it, lots of drama suddenly burst through. first with the pump station, next with the shitty cats. and frankly, after all those fun, and drama, I believe it IS time for me to take a time off. and realized that, I still have a granny to be prayed for, and my world to crawl back into. after all, at least, it won't hurt so much in that small, dreamy world of mine.
“We are inconsolable at being deceived by our enemies and betrayed by our friends, yet still we are often content to be thus served by ourselves.”, (François de la Rochefoucauld, French classical author, 1613-1680).
I guess, in a way, it relate so much to me. xo.
Lots has happened since the last update. More or less, im still the same ashraf, yes. but the memories that has taken place, throughout the entire week, will live forever.
first, the trip to bangsar, yet again for me. which i rewarded myself bit of 'tattoo' and little grocery.
then, on wednesday, I received two bad news. first, about my granny. apparently, she has some accidents, a serious one, that my mom decided to come back to our hometown. second, the application for the scholar, has been rejected, just like that. my feeling, toward both incidents, are rather undefined.
next, the night of thursday,and friday, came the withdrawn plans. for both of the night. honestly, I wasnt really excited about both nights. but, cant help but feel bit sad about it. as for friday, well, it was good, that I can be high all over in Andalus. but in singlet, that's not really a sight to be seen, and to be shown.
saturday came, and it was quite a disaster. yea, the pillow fight was entertaining, and the Flowers are, too. but, at the end of it, lots of drama suddenly burst through. first with the pump station, next with the shitty cats. and frankly, after all those fun, and drama, I believe it IS time for me to take a time off. and realized that, I still have a granny to be prayed for, and my world to crawl back into. after all, at least, it won't hurt so much in that small, dreamy world of mine.
“We are inconsolable at being deceived by our enemies and betrayed by our friends, yet still we are often content to be thus served by ourselves.”, (François de la Rochefoucauld, French classical author, 1613-1680).
I guess, in a way, it relate so much to me. xo.

upon talking about monster, one has to admit that, no matter how good you are, you still have a he-wolf/she-wolf, somewhere inside. and no matter how hard you try to keep it down, at times, it will rise, and cause lots of damages.
it brought us to another subject. damage. how hurtful can the simple word, 'damage' be? well, its very painful, if you asked me. to let ur trust goes on for someone, and been betrayed by that someone, all in the same time, ur expecting someone else who did that. and to think that he even have the guts, to not admit it. and lies about it. what a creepy monster. one that should have never been let out, or else he will wander, and broke people's heart and lives.
now then, there's heart. heart is, of course, the center of it all. AlFatihah is the heart of Quran. Heart is the nucleus in plants. but, in other context, heart is what we feel, what we perceived, what we are strongly attached to. but then. what if the heart gets burned, by all the previous hurtful stuffs? what happens, if people, with unreasonable mind, say all the terrible things in your face, and blame u for that? what happen if they go, and just simply invade your privacy, expecting you to believe whatever reason they gave u? what happens if a mother simply put other child as a priority, compared to others?
now, what will happen, if all this happen? what happens to the tiny little heart?
it sorta made me wonder. is the monster suppose to teach us lesson? is it the karma : what you give, is what you get back? of course, the monster in form of ourselves, is much more worst, indeed. but what if, it cames in others' body?
now, i know i may not be perfect, and lack in much more. but i really hope this monster realizes what they did to me, and how bad they have made me feel. sometimes people just have to accept, it is not always about the monsters that they are, but to find the bit of 'angels' in themselves.
a)Happy 20th Birthday to Badrul Muzammel. Have yourself a good 20, next year!
b)My result is out. Though something did bother my mind about it, but there are other things i wanted to be thankful for. Alhamdulillah, and a very thankful for everyone who has helped me, to this extent. Lecturers, friends, families.
dear friends
Well, it may be waaaayyyy bit late, but I am wishing Ahmad 'Aqrabain, or Kobby Fierce, a Very HAPPY 20th B'day, on, well, last Sunday, 29th of December.
May you have all that you desired in life, (including the pilot interview + job), and May Allah blessed you, all the way. Keep the Fierce on, and Boys Aloud shall rise! ;)
And I hope you like that little surprise party we throw.(Sdey tade background music!)
As for Mel, always the fabulous one, well, in less than a day, you are flying off to Hong Kong. Have a great, safe, nice trip. Have fun, all the way, and don't forget to bring up some goodies! I'll be waiting for that.
As for the rest of the friends, rumours has it, the result will be out, on 10th, or 13th. Either way, I am wishing the VERY BEST of luck for all.
long holiday.

.with Emynor. at Jusco. sigh. but the tree's from wasted botlle. kinda cool. ;)

. Invitation to, Castle.
hola! been long, since last updated.
well, it has been solid three weeks now, and it's December, which means holiday.
And it has already been 18 days of holiday, and I am doing totally nothing. Not that I wanted to be a lazybump, its just, that was my plan. to have a GREAT holiday, cooped up in room, and savoring the holiday with movies, Gossip Girl rerun, besides hanging out.
And I've done that, and its getting pretty bored already. Well, I did go out. Duh, one can see through the pictures. But, it is just not the same anymore. Mel's working, and Fikri's studying and focusing on his other friends. Hm. Surely, it has all been different now.
I missed my old life. My 2007 life. Free. Can't care less. Bitchy when I wanted to, Nice when I decided to. Haih. I had always wondered, what will it be like, had I not left for Malacca? I took the road, and I've lost so much along the way. :(
Well, no need to get all moody up, aite? The holidays are still long enough.
sick and tired.
of people ruining other people's lives.
of people talking back.
of people pretending to be all nice, all in the same time, macam haram.
of having to consume all your wants, for the sake of others.
of people being humble, all the while does not even mean it.
of people doing mistakes, and do not dare to apologize.
of myself, because i've turned into most of this.
of being in a place that taught all this.
of people talking back.
of people pretending to be all nice, all in the same time, macam haram.
of having to consume all your wants, for the sake of others.
of people being humble, all the while does not even mean it.
of people doing mistakes, and do not dare to apologize.
of myself, because i've turned into most of this.
of being in a place that taught all this.
Britney spears, three? nah. 3 more papers to go, then, buhbye Malacca, for now. Currently, the clock show 6.45 pm, and its 3 November, and I still have 3 more papers to go through. hey! it's a deep 'kebetulan'. haha.
well, i CANT wait to finish all this up, and escape from the plasticness of people. okay, im no good, as i did have my plasticity, but try to remains as true as possible. ugh. fuck them. when it comes to study, "jomlah, datang bilik aku, study. and bawak past year papers" but when it comes to going out and have fun, "um, kitorang tade malam esok", "bestnyee pegi hari tu, lepak2 dalam khemah". double fuck.
and as my facebook status said, 'people using people, people not strong enough to resist", bla bla. hm. i dont know. that is why, i just felt sick and want so much for the holiday to come, where i dont have to face all this kids-like people.
and for those said, "kene pondan and macam ko baru boleh dapat dl lah. mane ade orang laki dapat dl". ugh. triple fuck! then, why on the first place you EVEN applied for Masscom? !
okay, acap! enough whining. haha. i've currently finished up my second papers. next is on Sunday, followed by wednesday, and next sunday. then, the bus will be picking me up at 3, then so long, Malacca, and hello, KL!
let the days come early!
well, i CANT wait to finish all this up, and escape from the plasticness of people. okay, im no good, as i did have my plasticity, but try to remains as true as possible. ugh. fuck them. when it comes to study, "jomlah, datang bilik aku, study. and bawak past year papers" but when it comes to going out and have fun, "um, kitorang tade malam esok", "bestnyee pegi hari tu, lepak2 dalam khemah". double fuck.
and as my facebook status said, 'people using people, people not strong enough to resist", bla bla. hm. i dont know. that is why, i just felt sick and want so much for the holiday to come, where i dont have to face all this kids-like people.
and for those said, "kene pondan and macam ko baru boleh dapat dl lah. mane ade orang laki dapat dl". ugh. triple fuck! then, why on the first place you EVEN applied for Masscom? !
okay, acap! enough whining. haha. i've currently finished up my second papers. next is on Sunday, followed by wednesday, and next sunday. then, the bus will be picking me up at 3, then so long, Malacca, and hello, KL!
let the days come early!
time flies by, and now, its another 'end'.
I just read Mel's blogs, and I realized, I've missed out SOO much. The Raya reunion, the Prty, and almost like, everything. And I missed everything about KL.
Here, everything is just about assignment, and dramas within it, and the tensions surrounding it. and the Tests. Now, its over though as Thursday, 10.25pm marks as the day where all the assignments have been done, and the test is done, too.
Now, to wait for the real Final Exam. Starting this upcoming 28hb, till 15haribulan sebelas. Cepat2 lah time flies.
Hm. Its been a loooong time, since I last updated this blog of mine, that I dont even know what to talk about. I lost my earfones, membuuat assignment groupworks ('so called') sorang2. and presentations yang amat banyak. but for the Publishing which we interviwed Pesona Pengantin @ KarangKraf, we got 'The Presentation of The Day'.
and everyone.
*im ashraf, and im out!*
Here, everything is just about assignment, and dramas within it, and the tensions surrounding it. and the Tests. Now, its over though as Thursday, 10.25pm marks as the day where all the assignments have been done, and the test is done, too.
Now, to wait for the real Final Exam. Starting this upcoming 28hb, till 15haribulan sebelas. Cepat2 lah time flies.
Hm. Its been a loooong time, since I last updated this blog of mine, that I dont even know what to talk about. I lost my earfones, membuuat assignment groupworks ('so called') sorang2. and presentations yang amat banyak. but for the Publishing which we interviwed Pesona Pengantin @ KarangKraf, we got 'The Presentation of The Day'.
and everyone.
*im ashraf, and im out!*
sepi, tapi berisi.
That's how i'd describe myself. well, motifnya, adalah sebab aku dah tak berblog selama, entahla. last time i wrote, i was in library, and later that night, have broadcast test coming up. well, its been weeks now. lots has happened.
Hm. to kick things off, i have gone to Sri Pentas, Bandar Utama on 11th September. Yay! For assignment, of course, but still, its Sri Pentas. And the place is cool! I personally would like to be there, myself, working. Though the interview with Mr Sufian Isa, the producer of Gangstarz, saw conflicts between our group members (car problems, prayer's problem), we still goes and the result was not bad. Even mr Sufian was kind, he even texted me Hari Raya wishes, well, that's for another blog.
We saw Tini as she was in conti at HotFM. Then Karam Singh Walia, Michelle and Nas Ahmad of Melodi. We later break our fast at One Utama. Least we got what we're looking for.
Oh. And the crazy people of DMC4A, after 4th semester, finally break fast together, on 2nd September 2009. Best and Happening! That's all I can say. Overnight and straight to class during Ramadhan? Well, it was something.
Next, the interview for Publishing and Media Design, yet another subject we had to interview people. Lots of credits being spent, lots of negotiation being done, lots of fights and disagreements, after some time, on September 14th, we made our way to Shah Alam to interview those people of Karangkraf. This was not my choice. And personally, I still objected to it. The reason they want to do the interview before Raya, is because, "smue orang dah interview, kita belum". fuck.
And as always, i have to do everything. asking, and borrowing camera. and providing extra money. while a particular group member, refused to go on Monday, of which we dont have class just because, "nak dating dengan awek". causing four other people to miss two classes on Tuesday. double fuck. the pictures shows the process of interviews. well, may be its not that bad. i got to know their printing processes, how they edit pictures, the location of Karangkraf itself.
Well, after all those crazyincidents, and much fasting, i finally made my way to KL on Wednesday evening with Zilla. It was raining when i came home. But I am still glad. Kat KL dah, and about to Raya! yay!
Test, Oh Keep That Coming!
Ugh! Malam ini, MId Term Broadcasting! Then, Wednesday, then Thursday, then Sunday. Hugh. And I just read through. Tak bace habis. When the feeling of laziness taken over, well. Haish.
For everyone yang rase2 Masscom @ UiTM Malacca, well, Good Luck for every Papers! Takut kot! Tak sabar tunggu cuti raye. Been missing KL like HELL already! xD
signing off, acap yang cute. haha.
*p/s~ SERIOUS takut malam nih. .
Success is simple. Do what's right, the right way, at the right time.
(someone names Arnold H. Glasgow once said).
For everyone yang rase2 Masscom @ UiTM Malacca, well, Good Luck for every Papers! Takut kot! Tak sabar tunggu cuti raye. Been missing KL like HELL already! xD
signing off, acap yang cute. haha.
*p/s~ SERIOUS takut malam nih. .
Success is simple. Do what's right, the right way, at the right time.
(someone names Arnold H. Glasgow once said).
52nd Independence Day!

*Tunku Abdul Rahman, Bapa Kemerdekaan*

*Lots of Successes by Our Own Malaysian*

The clock shows 1.43 am, of 31st August 2009. Almost two hours after Midnight. And it's Monday. And it's Independence Day. For 52 year now. I got less to say, since well, Merdeka is defined by, each person themselves.
I remember, back when the Schools days, we have competitions, dramas and all. And fireworks, of course. And of course, the subject of Sejarah itself. Though I don't have any trouble with history, at times, it does get pretty boring. Maaf ya, Puan Chua dan Cikgu Roslina.
Okay, enough about school's memoirs. As far as I am concerned, Malaysia is a GREAT country. The cultures, the races, the people, customary, the foods, the beautiful places. Ah! Its just, I don't know. breathtaking. Though we had our differences and downs, I wouldn't change it for anything.
*p/s ~ For references, visit this site. http://phoenity.com/hibiscus/articles/independence_malaysia.html. Sure does have some info on Malaysia!
Family First, Then The Rest
This was the lesson I learned, these past three days. First, when I came back in KL, in Friday's afternoon, I went straight to masjid for Friday's Prayer. Then, I was initially supposed to picked Mel up, since it was his last day of Internship. Then, he canceled it off. I was left doing nothing but online.
Then, around 5, Mom got back from work. Said that couple of my cousins gonna be breaking fast also. Then, I cancelled the plan to get my hair cut and went rempit-ing to Bazaar Ramadhan @Setiawangsa. Its been looong since I came there. Met Mel there.
Then, during the 'Sesi Berbuka Puasa Bersama Cousin', di rumah je pun, barulahh aku tahu. Cousin aku yang sorang ni, akan fly kembali ke France 2pagi, Sabtu. Nasib baik aku balik. Bolehlah berjumpa, walaupun memang niatku ingin hantar sekali ke airport.
Tidak buat apa apa juga. Maaf ya, kawan kawan, aku tak mengikut selebrate Birthday si Kembar. Petangnya, ke rumah cousin yang sama. Said our last Goodbye, for now. Wishing him a VERY GOODLUCK! Semoga dpat Degree dengan elok dan cemerlang! Dan aku juga ke kubur ayahku. Di petang yang hiba. Dengan alunan azan Asar. Syahdu di kubur. Bila pula aku dapat ke sana.
Tapi yang bestnya, aku bawa kereta pula har ini. Haha. I LOVED KL!
Malamnya, barulah aku dpat beita dari kawan kawan. Shariman sedang berlepak di restaurant. Aku cancel. Koben di BTS, rumah cousinnya. Dan Mel dengan, well, the outing and the drama. Haha. Mlamnya baru aku merempit lagi ke rumah Mel, mengahanta gambar. It was short anyway. 2 pagi hingga jam 3pagi. Dengan baliknya, di'sound' seorang polis muda.
Polis: Mana helmet? Rumah katmane ni?
Aku: Takde. Rumah kat Bunga Raya. Dekat je.
Polis: Dah dah. Pegi balik. Ni buat ape malam2 kat sini?
Aku: Nak balikla ni. Hantar barang kat kawan.
I just don't get it. Memanglah salah aku. Di depannya tapi, ada kereta melanngar lampu hijau, jalanku. Di mana polis tadi? Hm. Meronda katanya. Ingatkan aku ni mencuri motor ke?
Tapi apa apa pun, bagiku, family adalah segalanya. Terutamanya ibuku, adikku (yang dah mula menjadi baik dan bercap. yay!) dan abangku.
Then, around 5, Mom got back from work. Said that couple of my cousins gonna be breaking fast also. Then, I cancelled the plan to get my hair cut and went rempit-ing to Bazaar Ramadhan @Setiawangsa. Its been looong since I came there. Met Mel there.
Then, during the 'Sesi Berbuka Puasa Bersama Cousin', di rumah je pun, barulahh aku tahu. Cousin aku yang sorang ni, akan fly kembali ke France 2pagi, Sabtu. Nasib baik aku balik. Bolehlah berjumpa, walaupun memang niatku ingin hantar sekali ke airport.
Tidak buat apa apa juga. Maaf ya, kawan kawan, aku tak mengikut selebrate Birthday si Kembar. Petangnya, ke rumah cousin yang sama. Said our last Goodbye, for now. Wishing him a VERY GOODLUCK! Semoga dpat Degree dengan elok dan cemerlang! Dan aku juga ke kubur ayahku. Di petang yang hiba. Dengan alunan azan Asar. Syahdu di kubur. Bila pula aku dapat ke sana.
Tapi yang bestnya, aku bawa kereta pula har ini. Haha. I LOVED KL!
Malamnya, barulah aku dpat beita dari kawan kawan. Shariman sedang berlepak di restaurant. Aku cancel. Koben di BTS, rumah cousinnya. Dan Mel dengan, well, the outing and the drama. Haha. Mlamnya baru aku merempit lagi ke rumah Mel, mengahanta gambar. It was short anyway. 2 pagi hingga jam 3pagi. Dengan baliknya, di'sound' seorang polis muda.
Polis: Mana helmet? Rumah katmane ni?
Aku: Takde. Rumah kat Bunga Raya. Dekat je.
Polis: Dah dah. Pegi balik. Ni buat ape malam2 kat sini?
Aku: Nak balikla ni. Hantar barang kat kawan.
I just don't get it. Memanglah salah aku. Di depannya tapi, ada kereta melanngar lampu hijau, jalanku. Di mana polis tadi? Hm. Meronda katanya. Ingatkan aku ni mencuri motor ke?
Tapi apa apa pun, bagiku, family adalah segalanya. Terutamanya ibuku, adikku (yang dah mula menjadi baik dan bercap. yay!) dan abangku.
4th Day, And Still Surviving
It's the Second day of the week, fourth day of Fasting. And I am going strong, or weak. Hugh. I dont know. It felt weird though. A year ago, we were this young child, only finishing First Semester, Happy to be, well, in class. Then, a year later, it was like, we are forced to be 'the seniors', one that has grown up. Hmm. Thestudy itself, doesn't intrigued much to me. Loss of Will, I guess.
Oh, updates in my life?
Nothing much. Made up with the room mates. but won't let myself get so close to them. Might take a while, before I really ito all that Hu-ha with them. And Economic Quiz, well, it was HARD! Now for tomorrow's test. Hopefully I'd do well!
Then, of course, I am excited of coming back to town, later this week. Been a while since I last came back. And to be able to break the fast with Kurma, Gosh! Empat hari, and aku tak jamah kurma langsung. Hmm. Turutmerindui masakan ibuku. Heee.
Oh, and there's rumours going on, JPA result nak kua dah. Tapi, seperti aku check di laman sesawangnya, tiada pun. Hopefully aku dapatla. Aminn.
Oh, updates in my life?
Nothing much. Made up with the room mates. but won't let myself get so close to them. Might take a while, before I really ito all that Hu-ha with them. And Economic Quiz, well, it was HARD! Now for tomorrow's test. Hopefully I'd do well!
Then, of course, I am excited of coming back to town, later this week. Been a while since I last came back. And to be able to break the fast with Kurma, Gosh! Empat hari, and aku tak jamah kurma langsung. Hmm. Turutmerindui masakan ibuku. Heee.
Oh, and there's rumours going on, JPA result nak kua dah. Tapi, seperti aku check di laman sesawangnya, tiada pun. Hopefully aku dapatla. Aminn.
Ramadhan 'al Mubaraq.
People, shout out! Whoa!
Been like forever since I last updated this site, or any of that matters. Almaklum, busy dan tiada Internet connection di Malacca ini. But I'm here now. Hah!
Hm. It's that time of the year, again. Ramadhan. I always love it. It's like, my entire self is being cleanse up. The Tarawih, the Fasting, the Mood itself. Yay! OK, talk about being Ustaz. Haha. Well, lots has being going on. People knowing the real me, getting in a 'silent' fight with the room mates, stepping down from KOMED, befriended with Dhaus, one that I got into fight. Lots more. It is true, what people said. Words are soo much easier said than done.
Well. It IS the First Day of Ramadhan. It was a bit weird, the first day of Ramadhan, in Malacca, without My Lovely Mom. Hm. No matter. I will still be coming home, next week. Can't wait for the Merdeka Holiday.
What's more on me for the past weeks? Well, nothing much. Thursday, went to Sagil, Gunung Ledang. It was a beautiful waterfall. Thanks classmates for such joyful day. I am over responsibilities, now. About to take TWO Economy Test next week, and just enjoying what little beauty of my life. Least, I still have Azzah to be thankful for.
As for the Ramadhan, I would like to wish all, a very Happy Ramadhan. May this year's Fasting Month turned us up for the better. And may we will be a better person, in days to come. Thousand apologies for everything. May the Fast will be worthful and blessed by Him.
.Special Site for My Friends.
*I missed you. A Very Good Luck in the LAST week of your Internship. Nok! Habis dah kau, kan. Haha. Congrats! I always knew you'd pull through. Bersabar menunggu aku Jumaat depan, ya?
*Be strong. I've come to know you, for more than a year now. We've come SOO much together. I knew e had our differences, but I love you as a friend. a Best friend. And I knew you will pull through, too. Hold on, there. There's reason for everything. Chaiyox2!
Been like forever since I last updated this site, or any of that matters. Almaklum, busy dan tiada Internet connection di Malacca ini. But I'm here now. Hah!
Hm. It's that time of the year, again. Ramadhan. I always love it. It's like, my entire self is being cleanse up. The Tarawih, the Fasting, the Mood itself. Yay! OK, talk about being Ustaz. Haha. Well, lots has being going on. People knowing the real me, getting in a 'silent' fight with the room mates, stepping down from KOMED, befriended with Dhaus, one that I got into fight. Lots more. It is true, what people said. Words are soo much easier said than done.
Well. It IS the First Day of Ramadhan. It was a bit weird, the first day of Ramadhan, in Malacca, without My Lovely Mom. Hm. No matter. I will still be coming home, next week. Can't wait for the Merdeka Holiday.
What's more on me for the past weeks? Well, nothing much. Thursday, went to Sagil, Gunung Ledang. It was a beautiful waterfall. Thanks classmates for such joyful day. I am over responsibilities, now. About to take TWO Economy Test next week, and just enjoying what little beauty of my life. Least, I still have Azzah to be thankful for.
As for the Ramadhan, I would like to wish all, a very Happy Ramadhan. May this year's Fasting Month turned us up for the better. And may we will be a better person, in days to come. Thousand apologies for everything. May the Fast will be worthful and blessed by Him.
.Special Site for My Friends.
*I missed you. A Very Good Luck in the LAST week of your Internship. Nok! Habis dah kau, kan. Haha. Congrats! I always knew you'd pull through. Bersabar menunggu aku Jumaat depan, ya?
*Be strong. I've come to know you, for more than a year now. We've come SOO much together. I knew e had our differences, but I love you as a friend. a Best friend. And I knew you will pull through, too. Hold on, there. There's reason for everything. Chaiyox2!
Wasn't Me.
"It Really Is Tiring, Living a Lie. So I Decided Not To. But Then, People Hate Me Now. Oh Well, I DONT CARE. Or Trying Not To. What the Fuck. It's Myself and My Mom That Matters."
Thursday's Fever!
I woke up, feeling sick. The head was all heavy, the body was weak, not to mention, coldness all over. Last night meeting went slightly longer than what i assumed it to be. And while EVERYONE was doing something, i sat, and not contributing anything. as usual. After all, for my part, I was to do the registrations.
Met with the faces that will substitute us. Some of them, they ARE GOOD. Having asked "Sdh tk?", by Syerie, hm. IDK. maybe I am. a bit.
Today, however, those classmates of me decided not to come. to AGM. frankly, not all that excited myself. plus, with PKPP going on. and the fact that I am i cold right now in the library. GOSH.
Two great things happen though.
a*Daus talked to me, for the first time, in this very sem.
b*Publishing quiz was postponed, for next week.
Adding things up, I missed KL, shisha, my mom, Mel, Kobain, Streamyx.
Met with the faces that will substitute us. Some of them, they ARE GOOD. Having asked "Sdh tk?", by Syerie, hm. IDK. maybe I am. a bit.
Today, however, those classmates of me decided not to come. to AGM. frankly, not all that excited myself. plus, with PKPP going on. and the fact that I am i cold right now in the library. GOSH.
Two great things happen though.
a*Daus talked to me, for the first time, in this very sem.
b*Publishing quiz was postponed, for next week.
Adding things up, I missed KL, shisha, my mom, Mel, Kobain, Streamyx.
Us Crazy Kids.
Aloha Bloggers.
Hm, dont have much to say. a week in malacca, well what d'ya expect? UES- like life? hah! keep dreaming. but this we, week has been quite, exciting, i guess.
Arrived at Malacca, around 11oclock. takpaham ape yang Miss Shahiszan ajar ECO. penat dan balik tido. gerimis dan hujan pla membaluti tubuh! enaknya tidur! kemudiannya, ke KFC bersama room mate. seronok dibelanja. haha.
Tiada apa sangat. Bergegas ke library seawal 9 lebih. Print proposal Publishing. 'Laskar Pelangi'. haha. Petangnya, Broadcast pula. Bosan since Azah tidak pulang lagi. Risaukan dia. Taknak dia quit. Echa surh tanya kan proposal tak pergi. Busy gile, kot. Cut me some slack.
Eco lagi. Masih tidak faham, Walaupun baru Chapter Dua. Demand dan Supply adalah amat susah, OK! haha. Makan di Medan Selera Lendu bersama budak kelas. Thank God. Walaupun ada sekelumit drama dengan budak kelas yang satu, yang lain, OK je. hee. Kelas Advertising tiada. Yay! Ke library bincang tajuk Modern Issues. Berniat puasa Syaaban untuk esok. Duit dah habis! Tambah masalah, tak pergi meeting KOMED. Setiap kelas hantar satu/dua wakil. Siapalah kelas aku yang nak.
Lambat ke class Modern Issues. Lucky dapat lecturer datang lagi lambat. Habis kelas, balik bilik. Boom kejap. Kurang tidur. 12.15, made way to tangga library. Turn out, keluar juga ke Melaka, walaupun puasa. Haha. Karaoke dua jam, Movie Setem. Watson. Buka di Borahan. BEST! thanks bunches Kerel, Namot, Yanie and Fika. Bump into Faiz. Missed him! Malam, induction Part One di block. Best. Tapi Part One agak kerek.
Kelas Publication. Lambat lagi. 8.30 kelas, bangun pada 8.24pagi. haha. Nasib baik Mr. Rusydi. Dapat assignment. F1, for this semester. Friday prayer. Then, ada plan keluar. But being me, aku taknak overnight. The others, like forcing me too. Hmm. Around 9.30 mlm lebih, barulah dapat kereta. Malam di Pengkalan Balak. Sotong goreng dan Benjo. Sedap. Cuma 'mood' dirosakkan oleh 'Pondan Psiko'. Haha.
Hm, dont have much to say. a week in malacca, well what d'ya expect? UES- like life? hah! keep dreaming. but this we, week has been quite, exciting, i guess.
Arrived at Malacca, around 11oclock. takpaham ape yang Miss Shahiszan ajar ECO. penat dan balik tido. gerimis dan hujan pla membaluti tubuh! enaknya tidur! kemudiannya, ke KFC bersama room mate. seronok dibelanja. haha.
Tiada apa sangat. Bergegas ke library seawal 9 lebih. Print proposal Publishing. 'Laskar Pelangi'. haha. Petangnya, Broadcast pula. Bosan since Azah tidak pulang lagi. Risaukan dia. Taknak dia quit. Echa surh tanya kan proposal tak pergi. Busy gile, kot. Cut me some slack.
Eco lagi. Masih tidak faham, Walaupun baru Chapter Dua. Demand dan Supply adalah amat susah, OK! haha. Makan di Medan Selera Lendu bersama budak kelas. Thank God. Walaupun ada sekelumit drama dengan budak kelas yang satu, yang lain, OK je. hee. Kelas Advertising tiada. Yay! Ke library bincang tajuk Modern Issues. Berniat puasa Syaaban untuk esok. Duit dah habis! Tambah masalah, tak pergi meeting KOMED. Setiap kelas hantar satu/dua wakil. Siapalah kelas aku yang nak.
Lambat ke class Modern Issues. Lucky dapat lecturer datang lagi lambat. Habis kelas, balik bilik. Boom kejap. Kurang tidur. 12.15, made way to tangga library. Turn out, keluar juga ke Melaka, walaupun puasa. Haha. Karaoke dua jam, Movie Setem. Watson. Buka di Borahan. BEST! thanks bunches Kerel, Namot, Yanie and Fika. Bump into Faiz. Missed him! Malam, induction Part One di block. Best. Tapi Part One agak kerek.
Kelas Publication. Lambat lagi. 8.30 kelas, bangun pada 8.24pagi. haha. Nasib baik Mr. Rusydi. Dapat assignment. F1, for this semester. Friday prayer. Then, ada plan keluar. But being me, aku taknak overnight. The others, like forcing me too. Hmm. Around 9.30 mlm lebih, barulah dapat kereta. Malam di Pengkalan Balak. Sotong goreng dan Benjo. Sedap. Cuma 'mood' dirosakkan oleh 'Pondan Psiko'. Haha.
Days Belong To Us.
*the scenery at KLCC's waterfront. thanks Google*
It was Friday. And I was here. Kalau dah namanya Friday, mustilah ke club. Mel pun dah lama plan untuk ke club. Aku pun dah buat serba sedikit persediaan. Dan Fikri juga telah memujukku supaya pergi. Tapi kesian Mel. Akhirnya, tak menjadi. First, aku tiba tiba TingTong. Mana taknya. Paracetamol 2, Selsema 4. Gowd. Pengsan terus. Second, muncul kerisauan yang akan ada Rush. Takut juga. Sedar2, muka kami di dada akhbar dan ibubapa datang menjemput di Balai Polis. Third, and most foremost, duit pun sudah kurang. Biasalah. Students dan Interns. Nak expect apa?
Jadi, cancellah malam Jumaat tu. Dan aku, sambung tidur. Around 1, though, suddenly my brother called up to me. Unfortunately, we had a short circuit. Our house only. And the fuse is burned, with a real fire coming up. It was scary. The consequences? We didn't have electricity up to 3pm on Saturday. Poor my mom. She spent yet another amount of money to pay for the fix.
Saturday, I texted Mel in the morning. He seemed unwillingly to go out. But later on, I got that usual surprised call, saying Koben on his way and we're going round. What planned as 'Jusco' at first, took us up to KLCC park. Did some Camwhoring, a remade of Ciara's Work and we're off to, pasar malam au3. Bumped into some of my old classmate. Suddenly it's like an unplanned reunion. gosh.
Koben sent me and Mel back home. But I'm pretty sure that there's more. After all, Mel have been saying about Mali's, couple of times. As on queued, Mel asked to get ready. 15 minutes. I was expecting his car, but instead Wira came. Alyn. Koben's BFF. She's cute. And really nice. Made our way to Mali's. Missed that place myself.
Shisha time! We had that Transform flavor. Don't know what it transforms us too. Then, as I bought the drinks (for the second round. hee), Alyn came. We talked and I got to know her better. She's really cool. I even invited myself to M.O.S. haha. tak malu! Then a question popped out, "The guys came already?". "Yea". GOD! majal pulak!
Then, as we arrived to the table, of course, I just HAVE to humiliate myself. hee. and it went on till 4 o'clock. Luckily Alice made a stop to our table. Least, she's one person I know. As time passed, I was getting tired. The guys, Alyn, they're all cool. Just, guess its time to be at home, already.
After much contradictions, we finally on our way home. I was being a total bitch. sorry, kobain! But, the night was quite good. Got to thinking, in order for me to get ting tong, all I need is an SKL *Cherry*, Two Shisha *Transform + Love*, Lots of Drinks *Teh O Ais* and Out till 5am. haha. Although, being me, I kept silence most of the time, I quite enjoyed it. MUCHOS GRACIAS to Mel, Kobain, and Alyn. And the Boys, *Muiz, Shamin and Arill* (hope i got it right).
Oh, no pictures of any of the above mentioned incidents. Later will update it.
Muffin's Story.

*Amcorp Mall - Mel's Intern. LC, anyone? Haha*

*10th Floor, I tink. And if you could see, the Beautiful Park*
Dear bloggers.
Hey. hm. my one-week holiday are coming to the end. will be back to lendu, malacca and beloved (ke?) uitm tomorrow moning. havent been able to update this for a while. well, nothing's to write about.
Where to start, eh? oh, i know. after the not so long silent squabble with my mom, i decided to let it go. parents. thanks to those who gave me advises. you know who you are. all righty then, wednesday. i was planning to pick Mel up, from his office at Amcorp Mall, Taman Jaya. Shocking news, he's kinda injured himself. Luckily it was nothing.
So the pickup went the day after. Thursday. I was kinda late, at 5pm. And fasting that day. And did not offered a lady, a seat. Kinda felt terrible, but then it was packed train. Gosh. Arrived Amcorp Mall around 6. Mel havent finished his job yet. So there I was, waiting. After 10 minutes, sorry to say, I think I've finished the whole Mall. Then Mel came, we kinda huha huha at The Park and we dined at a&w. And, on our way back, we saw this 'nok' with a bling2 on. haha.
We met Alice for a while. She's pretty as she is. Always. Mel is resitting his paper. Best of Luck to him. I wanted him to hold that scroll and pursue studies. And, as for Jiha. Haih. It really is complicated, when you are close to someone. And you like that person, and she/he is not really what you wanted him/her to be. Hm. Muffin. If you know what I mean. Oh, and Mel DID give me muffins. Tasty-licious.
Parents Is Not Perfect.
parents: they thought they did the best for us. send us away to college. gives us pocket money. told us not to do drugs. tell us to pray 5times a day. and having done all that, they thought they have done the best and provided enough for us.
well, here's a reality. they dont! they are not perfect, just like us.
Mother : Go buy some durian. Go use ur old folks' motorcycle.
Son : Umm. . .
Mother : Why? Are u afraid? U have to start the bike. Or else it would not be working after.
Son : (Sigh). Okay.
One hour Later.
Mother : Yay! You brought durian.
Son : Hmm. . (Panting heavily and replacing the now torn plastic of Soya). U really should give me a bike. .(murmuring).
Mother : How much did you spent? No worry, I'll pay you back. (So caught up in herself that she doesnt realize other things).
The drama above shows what happened to me, and reflect so much drama that has happened in the past, and is still happening, not only to me, but to every son/daughter out there, i believe.
Ibu hanya tahu, anaknya bawa kembali durian. Apa yang terjadi di tengah2, di tengah One Hour Later, ibu tak tahu. yang anaknya hampir excident, yang anaknya begitu malu kerana lambat gile start motor, yang anaknya terpaksa tebal muke mintak duit tukar. yang plastik air soya terkena durian. yang anaknya kene tanya mane durian yang okay.
dan semua tu, kerana apa? kerana pada dulunya ibu berkata,
Tingkatan 4:
Mother : Takpayahla bawak motor. Takpayah amik lesen. Nanti ligat tak belajar.
Masa Masuk UiTM:
Mother : Takpayah la bawak motor. Nanty excident.
Masa Tengah Belajar:
Mother : Takpayah. Nanty lain jadinya. tak belaja. Nanty dah keje, beli je lah.
GOWD!! For Pete's sake! motor dah lunyai pon. dahla. aku bengang and taktau nak tulis ape. its just, im FREAKING MAD.
well, here's a reality. they dont! they are not perfect, just like us.
Mother : Go buy some durian. Go use ur old folks' motorcycle.
Son : Umm. . .
Mother : Why? Are u afraid? U have to start the bike. Or else it would not be working after.
Son : (Sigh). Okay.
One hour Later.
Mother : Yay! You brought durian.
Son : Hmm. . (Panting heavily and replacing the now torn plastic of Soya). U really should give me a bike. .(murmuring).
Mother : How much did you spent? No worry, I'll pay you back. (So caught up in herself that she doesnt realize other things).
The drama above shows what happened to me, and reflect so much drama that has happened in the past, and is still happening, not only to me, but to every son/daughter out there, i believe.
Ibu hanya tahu, anaknya bawa kembali durian. Apa yang terjadi di tengah2, di tengah One Hour Later, ibu tak tahu. yang anaknya hampir excident, yang anaknya begitu malu kerana lambat gile start motor, yang anaknya terpaksa tebal muke mintak duit tukar. yang plastik air soya terkena durian. yang anaknya kene tanya mane durian yang okay.
dan semua tu, kerana apa? kerana pada dulunya ibu berkata,
Tingkatan 4:
Mother : Takpayahla bawak motor. Takpayah amik lesen. Nanti ligat tak belajar.
Masa Masuk UiTM:
Mother : Takpayah la bawak motor. Nanty excident.
Masa Tengah Belajar:
Mother : Takpayah. Nanty lain jadinya. tak belaja. Nanty dah keje, beli je lah.
GOWD!! For Pete's sake! motor dah lunyai pon. dahla. aku bengang and taktau nak tulis ape. its just, im FREAKING MAD.
another one of those post.
dont wanna say much. just view the link.
not what it seems.

hm. rumours has it that our uni case has gone even in the newspapers. everyone was like, rather mad at the pengarah kampus. as he keeps saying, "kita okay. kita tak bole close". fuck!
honestly, i really dont care. i mean, yeah, it is about our health. dan kami berada di tempat yang, casenya dah pun mencecah 10 orang. lecturer, di pihak yang lain berkata, "semuanya masih terkawal. mungkin disebabkan construction".
again. i dont really care. yang nyata, bebudak nih, nak cuti. aku pula, bukannya aku tak mahu pulang. dan bukannya aku mahu kan kematian. tapi, aku percaya, as long as you know how to take care of yourself, not expecting anything, and not exposing yourself to the threat, you are going to be just fine.
tapi tulah. di samping kesibukan orang berH1N1, aku pula terperangkap dalam drama lecturer. "macam bodoh". the lecturer even said. bukan nak mengata, tapi cuma mahu menegur. dan kerana aku terlampau baik, aku hampir kantoi, di mana, ada kondom dalam laciku. and my roomies think all that is funny. FUCK!!
ikut hati. aku mahu saja pulang. release tensi. lupa masalah. tapi bukan sekarang. biarlah KL merindui aku, dan aku rindukan KL juga.
those who read, do pray for all of warga uitm, a bright pink of health. and for things to get soo much better.
not that old drama, again!
hm. its been two weeks now, i am here. in lendu. well, i almost got my jpa from completed. big thanks to my momma! and now, for the freshies induction. they always goes, "asal ko kene buat semue keje?", or " aku nampak ko sorrang je buat keje". well, i beg to differ. in KOMED, it is more of a groupwork. but to hell! most ajk pon tak buat keje. but since this the last semester, im gettin all out. and once dah habis everything. GOODBYE!
as for my romantic stuff, i dont know if my zodiac says otherwise. but it has been great. VERY great in fact. i got a call from S around 7 today. and finally get the ball to date with J, yesternyte. up till 2am. oh gosh! heee. but i am still sticking up with the old plan. stay single. avoid drama (at least try to). and be Acap. all the way.
the only thing is, i have a really hard time with classmate. maybe two of them. and as for room mate. haih! do i even need to tell? one of them wanted to make me jealous. but, why would i be. its life as it is. and im living it. and i really not looking forward for any drama, this semester. although i sense that i've already gotten myself into. a drama involving lecturers? woopseyh!
oh, oh. and after meeting peeple and, engaging myself in drama, (of which i did not even asked for), i thought od the saying. "its a crazy world, and we're the crazy people who's living it".
as for my romantic stuff, i dont know if my zodiac says otherwise. but it has been great. VERY great in fact. i got a call from S around 7 today. and finally get the ball to date with J, yesternyte. up till 2am. oh gosh! heee. but i am still sticking up with the old plan. stay single. avoid drama (at least try to). and be Acap. all the way.
the only thing is, i have a really hard time with classmate. maybe two of them. and as for room mate. haih! do i even need to tell? one of them wanted to make me jealous. but, why would i be. its life as it is. and im living it. and i really not looking forward for any drama, this semester. although i sense that i've already gotten myself into. a drama involving lecturers? woopseyh!
oh, oh. and after meeting peeple and, engaging myself in drama, (of which i did not even asked for), i thought od the saying. "its a crazy world, and we're the crazy people who's living it".
a scholar: to get or not to get?
of course, my answer would be the latter. but then, how would i apllied, if the Internet connection here in Lendu is so slow. gosh! i really hoped for the scholarship. i want it. hell, i need it! to support me. and my studies. and my necessities.
with the not-so-good result of mine. well, hopefully i will still get it. right now, with big help from mel, i hoped i would be able to made this, work.
oh, and after a week here. i am officially the most boring person on earth. or maybe here. i am bored, and my bored show through. and people see me as, well, boring. hee. the lectures pretty much went the same. in fourth semester now. and couldnt wait to finish all this. this semester, lots of killer subjects, too. Economy, Math anyone? ugh! and Publication, and Advertising. which involves designing and all. of which i know, im sucks at.
gowd! i just hope i could do well. and my grades will be, at least slightly better than last semester. InsyaAllah.
with the not-so-good result of mine. well, hopefully i will still get it. right now, with big help from mel, i hoped i would be able to made this, work.
oh, and after a week here. i am officially the most boring person on earth. or maybe here. i am bored, and my bored show through. and people see me as, well, boring. hee. the lectures pretty much went the same. in fourth semester now. and couldnt wait to finish all this. this semester, lots of killer subjects, too. Economy, Math anyone? ugh! and Publication, and Advertising. which involves designing and all. of which i know, im sucks at.
gowd! i just hope i could do well. and my grades will be, at least slightly better than last semester. InsyaAllah.
we're the saturdays.
spotted, A and M having a boys day out, surrounded by the public at BB. boy, arent they a cute pair? wonder why the other bestiest, Kobain, never made it? what's up, K? the folks just dying to know the reason of the sudden left.
haha. berangan japs.
well, we do hv a great time. but, let me tell u the whole story, shall i?
it all started last week, or before, the idea of going Ice Skate, at Sunway Piramid. i never been there, frankly. so, i really wanted to. and Iceskate? hell yeah! after all, it IS the last hang out, before we're off to campus, again. me and koben, that is. the initial plan was for us to get up at 11am, get to cut Mel's hair, and hang, anywhere.
due to last nyte late's sleep, i only woke up at 11.30am. dress up, oh, i finally wear the shirt Mel specially buy, as my Birthday's gift. thanks, bitch! it was cute! and there we were, at K Quick sometink, watching, and waiting patiently, for Mel to get his Rihanna's do's. it was real cool though. dont u tink. afte all that biting, R, u really shd hv move over. made way to Riha-mel! haha.
so, since the cut take soo long, the hang was cut short. but hey. we're young and restless. we hv fun, anywhere, everywhere. so,there were we. arriving at Sunway. except for the Ice Skate, the place, was a bit, duh. but i get to taste this delicious nasi lemak, by Pappa Rich. it's a must have!
we beat the trafic, and hit BB. sadly, Koben has got to go. as Mel wishes, i wish ur problems will be ok, now, Koben! ur th fierce one, of course u'll sort it out!
as the nyte still young, me and Mel, strolled around Pavi and BB. it was GREAT! even though there a LOTTS of people, but it was a great day. Pavilion, rocks! BB is GREAT! we even snap with this candy Model. haha. it was WAY cool. met up with Pidot, of whom i barely knew.
after all that excitement, i finally hit home at 10pm. it was the second last time im meeting with Mel. kinda sad, since all this fun will be limited. but no worries. KL will have me. at least part of me.
*p/s - although i didn get to skate, what matters is my bestiest, Mel and Kobain. i have great times! im nobody without u guys. xoxo.
haha. berangan japs.
well, we do hv a great time. but, let me tell u the whole story, shall i?
it all started last week, or before, the idea of going Ice Skate, at Sunway Piramid. i never been there, frankly. so, i really wanted to. and Iceskate? hell yeah! after all, it IS the last hang out, before we're off to campus, again. me and koben, that is. the initial plan was for us to get up at 11am, get to cut Mel's hair, and hang, anywhere.
due to last nyte late's sleep, i only woke up at 11.30am. dress up, oh, i finally wear the shirt Mel specially buy, as my Birthday's gift. thanks, bitch! it was cute! and there we were, at K Quick sometink, watching, and waiting patiently, for Mel to get his Rihanna's do's. it was real cool though. dont u tink. afte all that biting, R, u really shd hv move over. made way to Riha-mel! haha.
so, since the cut take soo long, the hang was cut short. but hey. we're young and restless. we hv fun, anywhere, everywhere. so,there were we. arriving at Sunway. except for the Ice Skate, the place, was a bit, duh. but i get to taste this delicious nasi lemak, by Pappa Rich. it's a must have!
we beat the trafic, and hit BB. sadly, Koben has got to go. as Mel wishes, i wish ur problems will be ok, now, Koben! ur th fierce one, of course u'll sort it out!
as the nyte still young, me and Mel, strolled around Pavi and BB. it was GREAT! even though there a LOTTS of people, but it was a great day. Pavilion, rocks! BB is GREAT! we even snap with this candy Model. haha. it was WAY cool. met up with Pidot, of whom i barely knew.
after all that excitement, i finally hit home at 10pm. it was the second last time im meeting with Mel. kinda sad, since all this fun will be limited. but no worries. KL will have me. at least part of me.
*p/s - although i didn get to skate, what matters is my bestiest, Mel and Kobain. i have great times! im nobody without u guys. xoxo.
kl, goobye. malacca, hell-oh!
whoa! it had been quite some time since my last post about the father's day. and it had been weeks since dad's day. i do have bits of excitements, last weeks. but, not feeling up to write about it.
so, there i was. at the end of holiday. and everything's a fucked up! selasa, i was accompanying Fikri to cut his hair. and i was practically forced by him to follow his colleagues to Putrajaya. but, along the way, i did have fun. get to see places i never been. Puchong, and all those area. by the end of the day, i left my helmet, at his friend's car. dammit!
wednesday. i was in mydin, shopped for my stuffs. and purchased my ticket to Malacca for Monday. we hang. the usual Power of Three, me, Mel and Kobby. we watched Ice Age 3: Dawn Of The Dinosaurs, and it was SOO hilarious! and spending time with them, never boring. the only problem? i lose my ticket! dammit, two!
khamis. i went up to pay my studies' biil, at Bank Islam, at Taman Melawati (why cant it be one of them in Setiawangsa?!), and found out, my account has closed! dammit, three!
friday, well, the only thing that cheer me up, is today. as i went,(yet again), to Bank Islam to open new account, i met up with one senior of my block. gosh! im not even in Malacca, and i already seen some familiar faces. so, my journey kicked during the Friday's Prayer, (GOD! I have sinned!), with the ever undersatnding and cool Yanie and his Sister, and his Mom. we arrived Malacca, and register ourselves. it was quick. and bit fun.
as i was going back to KL, i get a call, from Azrill, my new room mates. as it turn out, i was on my way to KL, with yet another GREAT family. THANKS SOO MUCH, to all of you! and, as i arrived, i straighly called Mel, excited that it had all been over, and spent till 2am at his home, gossiping and onlining. who knows when would i do that again, ryte?
as for saturday, i'll tell in the next post. it's 9 minutes to 12 o'clock now. to monday. of where i should be in uitm malacca. but, being me, i always wait till last minutes to get there. and, yea, i will be missing KL, A LOTT! study would be hard, but, as one put it, no pain, no gain! and as mel says it, 'you gotta work, work!'
wish me best of luck, y'all. may the new semester will be a BLAST!
do wait for my next post. after all, who am i, without u guys.
xoxo. (berangan pulak. hee).
so, there i was. at the end of holiday. and everything's a fucked up! selasa, i was accompanying Fikri to cut his hair. and i was practically forced by him to follow his colleagues to Putrajaya. but, along the way, i did have fun. get to see places i never been. Puchong, and all those area. by the end of the day, i left my helmet, at his friend's car. dammit!
wednesday. i was in mydin, shopped for my stuffs. and purchased my ticket to Malacca for Monday. we hang. the usual Power of Three, me, Mel and Kobby. we watched Ice Age 3: Dawn Of The Dinosaurs, and it was SOO hilarious! and spending time with them, never boring. the only problem? i lose my ticket! dammit, two!
khamis. i went up to pay my studies' biil, at Bank Islam, at Taman Melawati (why cant it be one of them in Setiawangsa?!), and found out, my account has closed! dammit, three!
friday, well, the only thing that cheer me up, is today. as i went,(yet again), to Bank Islam to open new account, i met up with one senior of my block. gosh! im not even in Malacca, and i already seen some familiar faces. so, my journey kicked during the Friday's Prayer, (GOD! I have sinned!), with the ever undersatnding and cool Yanie and his Sister, and his Mom. we arrived Malacca, and register ourselves. it was quick. and bit fun.
as i was going back to KL, i get a call, from Azrill, my new room mates. as it turn out, i was on my way to KL, with yet another GREAT family. THANKS SOO MUCH, to all of you! and, as i arrived, i straighly called Mel, excited that it had all been over, and spent till 2am at his home, gossiping and onlining. who knows when would i do that again, ryte?
as for saturday, i'll tell in the next post. it's 9 minutes to 12 o'clock now. to monday. of where i should be in uitm malacca. but, being me, i always wait till last minutes to get there. and, yea, i will be missing KL, A LOTT! study would be hard, but, as one put it, no pain, no gain! and as mel says it, 'you gotta work, work!'
wish me best of luck, y'all. may the new semester will be a BLAST!
do wait for my next post. after all, who am i, without u guys.
xoxo. (berangan pulak. hee).
happy belated abah's day!
although it might be a bit too late for the wish. well, here goes! HAPPY FATHER'S DAY TO EVERY DADDY, PAPA, ABAH, ABUYA, ABI, MAMU, et cetera et cetera.
walaupun untuk sebenarnya, aku tak tahu pun bilakah Hari Bapa yang sebenarnya. mulankehiya aku ingat, pada haad minggu kedua. tiba tiba, ahad minggu ketiga Jun pula. entah. apa apa pun, sayangilah insan bergelar ayah. kerana dia yang memberi kita kehidupan. walau teruk mana pun, sekurangnya, kita masih ada bapa.
aku ada berblog rasanya, tentang bapa, pada masamasa ini juga. dan its not my place to advise and give talk about how u shd value father and all. tapi trust me, ada bapa lagi best! someone to dedicated ur success to. someone yg akan sentiasa look out for u, so u'll always feel safe. someone to guide u.
hm. someday, aku akan jadi juga bapa. dan aku akan cuba menjadi bapa terbaik. PALING TERBAIK, untuk anak anakku. till then, aku akan berusaha keras untuk mendapat hidup mewah, bagi ibuku, familiku, and anak anak ku kelak. whoa! talk abt much much future plan. haha.
buat abahku, Mohd Hanafiah B. Othman, semoga dia berbahagia dan diredhai di sana, bersama adik adikku. al Fatihah untuknya.
those people handling it like shit!
sorry to say this, but then, i just found out, my application of college suddenly dapat kolej lain. i was in kolej Lekir, currently, but then, when checked, i suddenly got my place in Tuah college. while i dont really hate Tuah, well, i have been in the same college, the same "tingkat", for one and a half year now.
knowing uitm's staff, well i probably shouldnt be mad. at this time of year, benda2 ni, biasa aje. but seriously, kalau betul pun, with the course registration pun have problems. what are those people doing there? and insentive makanan. it really is a necessity. since it can help us, real much. the rules said in order to register that incentive, we have to register the college first. but HOW am i supposed to do that, when i cant even register the college?
i dont want to be soo mad, but they are treating the students like well, shits. i can of course, not applying for the college. stay luar. but i dont want to be burdening my mom. poor her. she's got too much on her mind, already.
again, i want to say, if those in uitm want to use online system, well, do practise it well. if not, serious kate, ia hanya akan menyusahkan.
knowing uitm's staff, well i probably shouldnt be mad. at this time of year, benda2 ni, biasa aje. but seriously, kalau betul pun, with the course registration pun have problems. what are those people doing there? and insentive makanan. it really is a necessity. since it can help us, real much. the rules said in order to register that incentive, we have to register the college first. but HOW am i supposed to do that, when i cant even register the college?
i dont want to be soo mad, but they are treating the students like well, shits. i can of course, not applying for the college. stay luar. but i dont want to be burdening my mom. poor her. she's got too much on her mind, already.
again, i want to say, if those in uitm want to use online system, well, do practise it well. if not, serious kate, ia hanya akan menyusahkan.
Poker Face.
aku begitu marah, sebab dah dua kali terpedaya. kenapa ada yang suka letak default pic mereka, gamabar yang hawt, padahal, in real life, tk lah hawt mane.
no, dont gt me wrong. aku okay dengan semua orang. segenap lapisan masyarakat. yang tak okaynye, kenapa perlu gambar orang lain, di profil. bila diminta ym, dipaksa tunjuk, yang sebetulnya, mengecewakan. aku taklah berharap akan Famous Celebrity bagiku. kerna aku sendiri tidaklah se"gah" mane.
tapi, sekurang kurangnya, do have a gut. letak gamba sendiri. aku salute orang yang edit. walaupun bukan gamba the reeal thing, at the very least it still shows, real thing. dari yang clearly dah letak gamba orang lain. and claimed to be him.
dan, frankly, soalan tu patut berbalas semula. KENAPA ADA YANG MASIH TERPEDAYA DENGAN TIPU HELAH LAPUK NIE? haha. i guess routine ku dah caught up to me.
aku begitu marah, sebab dah dua kali terpedaya. kenapa ada yang suka letak default pic mereka, gamabar yang hawt, padahal, in real life, tk lah hawt mane.
no, dont gt me wrong. aku okay dengan semua orang. segenap lapisan masyarakat. yang tak okaynye, kenapa perlu gambar orang lain, di profil. bila diminta ym, dipaksa tunjuk, yang sebetulnya, mengecewakan. aku taklah berharap akan Famous Celebrity bagiku. kerna aku sendiri tidaklah se"gah" mane.
tapi, sekurang kurangnya, do have a gut. letak gamba sendiri. aku salute orang yang edit. walaupun bukan gamba the reeal thing, at the very least it still shows, real thing. dari yang clearly dah letak gamba orang lain. and claimed to be him.
dan, frankly, soalan tu patut berbalas semula. KENAPA ADA YANG MASIH TERPEDAYA DENGAN TIPU HELAH LAPUK NIE? haha. i guess routine ku dah caught up to me.
Rain On My Parade.
it was raining. fromkhamis, jumaat, and even today. and so does my heart. tklah my heart. im doing fine. hell. im doing great. having fun all the time, kat rumah. makan ditaja. keluar bila suka. that's what i love, being in KL.
"Biarpun kau begitu, hanya kaulah destinasiku...Kuala Lumpur".
the only rain is, well, my result, i guess. it's going down like hell. tak best. langsung tak best. macam kata Fazrul, "at least ko still DL, kan". tapi, entahla. aku bersyukur. SANGAT, SANGAT bersyukur. tapi jatuh yang teruk. almost 0.3. banyak jatuhnya. its not the "title" that im after. bukan bualan orang jugak. tapi, aku perlukan ini. untuk ibuku. familiku. adikku.
tapi, yang bestnya, aku dapat lihat result ku bersama Fikry. walaupun, entah. ia tak seperti yang ku harap lagi. mungkin tradisi ini tak perlu lagi, untuk sem hadapan. tapi, yang bestnya lagi. sebelum melihat result, aku sempat lagi berjalan bersama Shariman. dapat satu baju kemeja, and seluar. and it cost less. hee. and i can get to use my mic and earphone. and i got to taste that new KFC. unfortunately, tklah sampai mandi hujan pun. haha.
dan, setelah penat dan mahu mandi, Fikri telefon. dan kami pun pergi ke tempat lepak lama kami, CC Adam (di mana kami membesar. haha). and aku mendapat kejutan. entah. i guess aku dah terlampau biasa dengan Good result. mulai ini, aku perlu ~
b)tak kisah orang nak kate ape.
d)dan BELAJAR tanpa tunggu last minute.
as the night still young, suddenly there's a plan of us, (Mel, Fikry and I) to go to club. haha. wanting to shake things off, aku pun tagged along. and it is HAPPENING. after not being there for almost 5 months, i guess. and i have fun. LOTS of fun. with Fikry, and Mel aje. and even though we're running late, but it was still hip and happening, and cool. and i met this young eighteen. sorry dude. but im over all this.
as we're heading home, kami berlepak di Barakah. and berjumpa rakan rakan Fikry. i guessed, memang dia dah moved on. and it is good for him. best juga lepak bersama mereka. cumanya, well, mereka adalah those yang cakap saja. jadi, tahan tahan je lah. dan 5.41 pagi, barulah ku tiba di rumah. PENAT!
Result DAH Kua!!
And i AM freaking out!
Here I am, standing in front of my Auntie's computer. The full access to UiTM.edu, and I don't know. Maybe I am just FREAKING scared that I will not excel, this sem.
Usually, I will watched the result, together with my Bestiest, Fikri.
But he is away now, leaving me, all alone. Kesian juga pada dia. Excident. Nose Bleeding. "Acap, aku xcident mlm semalam. Teruk k. Smue pun teruk. Aku bedarah hidug, Yiq terseliuh . . .bla bla". Begitula mesej berbunyi.
Poor him.
Tapi aku masih perlukan seseorang untuk lihat bersama sama. Dan berkongsi, KEDUKAAN, atau Kegembiraan. Mungkin Mell. Atau Shariman.
And mungkin esok.
Takut!! Doakan aku, semua!
Here I am, standing in front of my Auntie's computer. The full access to UiTM.edu, and I don't know. Maybe I am just FREAKING scared that I will not excel, this sem.
Usually, I will watched the result, together with my Bestiest, Fikri.
But he is away now, leaving me, all alone. Kesian juga pada dia. Excident. Nose Bleeding. "Acap, aku xcident mlm semalam. Teruk k. Smue pun teruk. Aku bedarah hidug, Yiq terseliuh . . .bla bla". Begitula mesej berbunyi.
Poor him.
Tapi aku masih perlukan seseorang untuk lihat bersama sama. Dan berkongsi, KEDUKAAN, atau Kegembiraan. Mungkin Mell. Atau Shariman.
And mungkin esok.
Takut!! Doakan aku, semua!
.Not at Home, Again ;(
Well, once again, I was at other people's house.
Now, it's my auntie's turn, here in Taman Cemerlang, Taman Melati.
The purpose?
To five pieces of advises for my cousin, who practically does not want to do anything. He has been to Institut Professional Baitulmal (of which I should be going), and fled away, and earlier this year, enrolled in KPM Sri Iskandar, Perak. Again, he fled. Now he was not doing anything except staying at home, daydreaming and getting out.
And I was suppose to help him. How? THAT is a question I can not even answer myself. I mean, here I am, all blonde, not doing anything, and basically just not the one to give advises. HOW CAN I?!
But I am here, now. And will be here till Thursday, I guess. So I might as well have fun. At least tried to.
Now, it's my auntie's turn, here in Taman Cemerlang, Taman Melati.
The purpose?
To five pieces of advises for my cousin, who practically does not want to do anything. He has been to Institut Professional Baitulmal (of which I should be going), and fled away, and earlier this year, enrolled in KPM Sri Iskandar, Perak. Again, he fled. Now he was not doing anything except staying at home, daydreaming and getting out.
And I was suppose to help him. How? THAT is a question I can not even answer myself. I mean, here I am, all blonde, not doing anything, and basically just not the one to give advises. HOW CAN I?!
But I am here, now. And will be here till Thursday, I guess. So I might as well have fun. At least tried to.
Late That Nyte.
After like, weeks spending timeless, hopeless days at home, well, the Boringness is getting to me. Well, who could be blamed, then? Orang yang tak mahu ambil aku kerja, atau aku sendiri yang tak berusaha bersungguh sungguh, atau keadaan?
Aku tak tahu, dan in truth, tak peduli. Cuti bagiku, adalah cuti. Extra pocket money would be fine, tapi, aku lebih mahukan pengalaman. Bekerja sebagai promoter, hmm. It's basically what I have done. Dont get me wrong. Aku menyukai kerja sebegitu. Cumanya, it is the experience I wanted. Mintak CiMB pun direject. Pengalaman gimana sih?
Sudahnya, apa yang aku buat, rutin harian (dan mingguan) ku adalah,
a)Bangun di kala 10 pagi, atau 11 pagi, atau 12 tengah hari.
b)Terus buka Chiko ku, dan beronline sampai 2, 3 petang.
c)Mandi kerana Zohor hampir sampai kemuncaknya.
d)Zati dan Si Mawas pada jam 4.30ptg.
e)Arianna dalam Matahari jam 6.30 ptg.
f)Malamnya, keluar atau menonton TV lagi.
Itulah rutinku.
Tapi ku gembira. Sekurangnya, masa di rumah lebih best. Haha.
Tapi bukan rutin bosan aku mahu story. Tapi berita gembira aku mahu kongsi.
Semalam, setelah berDanau Kota bersama Mel, dan Jiha yang as always, Beautiful dan Alice, aku pun online.
Rakan Ym ku untuk dua tahun (atau lebih) beritahu, result UiTM officially akan di announce, 11hb. Tapi, secara unofficially nya, aku boleh suruh rakanku itu check.
Tapi aku takut, adakah ia akan seperti dahulu? Mungkinkan aku kan jatuh? Ku beranikan diri dan beri number Matrix. Dan.
"Ape yang saya boleh kata, Tahniah!"
YEAY!! Bkan niatku untuk takabbur, tapi aku betul2 mahukannya. Untuk ibuku. Untuk kewangan ku. Untuk masa depan ku. Tapi that as far as it goes. Untuk result sebetulnya, ku masih menunggu seperti rakan rakan lain.
Apa apa pun, A VERY HUGE THANK YOU to DANIEL TEGISUKI. As for yourself, dont worry, it would turn out better, after this. Selempang kuning hanyalah sekadar selempang.
Aku tak tahu, dan in truth, tak peduli. Cuti bagiku, adalah cuti. Extra pocket money would be fine, tapi, aku lebih mahukan pengalaman. Bekerja sebagai promoter, hmm. It's basically what I have done. Dont get me wrong. Aku menyukai kerja sebegitu. Cumanya, it is the experience I wanted. Mintak CiMB pun direject. Pengalaman gimana sih?
Sudahnya, apa yang aku buat, rutin harian (dan mingguan) ku adalah,
a)Bangun di kala 10 pagi, atau 11 pagi, atau 12 tengah hari.
b)Terus buka Chiko ku, dan beronline sampai 2, 3 petang.
c)Mandi kerana Zohor hampir sampai kemuncaknya.
d)Zati dan Si Mawas pada jam 4.30ptg.
e)Arianna dalam Matahari jam 6.30 ptg.
f)Malamnya, keluar atau menonton TV lagi.
Itulah rutinku.
Tapi ku gembira. Sekurangnya, masa di rumah lebih best. Haha.
Tapi bukan rutin bosan aku mahu story. Tapi berita gembira aku mahu kongsi.
Semalam, setelah berDanau Kota bersama Mel, dan Jiha yang as always, Beautiful dan Alice, aku pun online.
Rakan Ym ku untuk dua tahun (atau lebih) beritahu, result UiTM officially akan di announce, 11hb. Tapi, secara unofficially nya, aku boleh suruh rakanku itu check.
Tapi aku takut, adakah ia akan seperti dahulu? Mungkinkan aku kan jatuh? Ku beranikan diri dan beri number Matrix. Dan.
"Ape yang saya boleh kata, Tahniah!"
YEAY!! Bkan niatku untuk takabbur, tapi aku betul2 mahukannya. Untuk ibuku. Untuk kewangan ku. Untuk masa depan ku. Tapi that as far as it goes. Untuk result sebetulnya, ku masih menunggu seperti rakan rakan lain.
Apa apa pun, A VERY HUGE THANK YOU to DANIEL TEGISUKI. As for yourself, dont worry, it would turn out better, after this. Selempang kuning hanyalah sekadar selempang.
Arabian Night.
.The Babrican Drinks.
.The Place Itself.
.Me With Shisha (Action Lebih. Haha.)
.My Bestiest and "Arie".
.It's Us. Sorry Sherie, Not in Here.
Tiba tiba aku teringat. Sewaktu Form 4, Pendidikan Islam, kita belajar tentang Andalus. Cordova. Tempat penyebaran ilmu islam. Dakwah Islam. Dan kenapa aku meningati semua ini kembali? Kerana Jumaat lalu, aku telah ke Andalus, bukan negara yang tersohor itu, tapi sebuah kedai makan. Okay, ia tidak lah seperti restaurant, memandangkan tarafnya yang, seperti kawanku, Shariman katakan, “Kat sini, semua budak Up Up. Aku ni, pakai seluar pendek aje”.
Haha. Memang tempat begitu tempat orang up-to-date. Aku? Memang tak sesuailah. Fikirku, tapi, aku mahu bersama kawan kawanku. Aku TAK kisah orang lain kata apa. Lagipun, itu adalah reunion kami (aku, Mel dan Shariman) bersama Arief Irsyad, yang sudah kami tidak jumpa sejak Jun 2007. The night, was a good night. Original plan nya, “Kita lepak area2 Setiawangsa aje”. Tiba tiba, Andalus, here we come. But it was worth it.
The only thing that spoilt it, was other people. Mel’s friends. Aku tak kata aku benci, malah, mereka kenal aku, dan aku pun gembira berkawan dengan mereka. Tapi, bila Mel jumpa mereka, dia seperti lupa kami. Maksudku, kita datang berempat, baliknya berempat lah juga, kan. Tapi, its Mel’s life. Aku pun faham. Dan the drama dengan Kobby. Humm. Aku bersalah kepadanya, aku tahu. Tapi berkali kali aku meminta maaf, dan dia tak berkata apa apa. Dan bila mel minta maaf, in an instance, mereka berpelukan. Di kala itu, aku sedar, tempatku bukan di sini. Ini tempat orang kaya.
Oh, patutnya aku cakap pasal malam itu. It was fun. Memorable. Even Arie (new name for Arief), had some dark side to tell. Kami bershisha, dan dua balang lagi. Lemon dan strawberry. Dan kami mencuba minuman Barbican, seperti dicadang oleh Mel. Bolehlah. Jam 1pagi, Shariman dan Arie dah terpaksa balik. Aku ikut serta. Dan baguslah. Tibanya di rumah, kepalaku berdenyut. Ting Tong.
.Dangerously In Love.
This was one song, a person has once dedicated to me. Muchos Gracias.
Love? What is it, actually? Affection? Lust? Care? Real Feelings? Or simply just a tool to get what you wanted?
No matter how one defined it, it is a beautiful thing. Till it's gone, that is.
Having been in love twice, I guess Love is not for me, after all.
As for those have been hurt by me, well, I seriously does not meant for those things to happen.
Hari ni, aku sedar, I am a bad seed, and that Love itself was a Dangerous things to tamper with. Bila dah betul betul bercinta, memang susah nak lupa.
Masa sekarang ni, aku nak sendiri. Solo. Single. And gembira.
Again, THOUSANDS, THOUSANDS SORRY for those I have hurt. You know who you are.
Love? What is it, actually? Affection? Lust? Care? Real Feelings? Or simply just a tool to get what you wanted?
No matter how one defined it, it is a beautiful thing. Till it's gone, that is.
Having been in love twice, I guess Love is not for me, after all.
As for those have been hurt by me, well, I seriously does not meant for those things to happen.
Hari ni, aku sedar, I am a bad seed, and that Love itself was a Dangerous things to tamper with. Bila dah betul betul bercinta, memang susah nak lupa.
Masa sekarang ni, aku nak sendiri. Solo. Single. And gembira.
Again, THOUSANDS, THOUSANDS SORRY for those I have hurt. You know who you are.
Bits of Old Memoirs.
Last Friday.
It was sort of a reunion Day. Well, at first, it just started with a usual Friday Prayer. Pretty Boring, even though it was just my second day in KL. Well, I was getting bored by spending all day at home, doing nothing.
So, my plan, for me and Shariman to go savoring that ABC at Kenanga we’re so craved about. As she texted Fikri, in no time, Fikri has arrived, and after a quick (well, not so quick, lah) change, there we were, at Pavilion. It was just like last year. During these times.
We even went to Carl’s. Of first I experienced with Mel and Kobby, last year. We even had a crazy photo shoot. Take a look at the pictures. It is CRAZY! Anyhow, ingatkan the excitement dah habis. But, as we’re reaching home, Mel texted. And suddenly, there we were, at Alibi’s.
At first, it was weird. We haven’t talked for soo long. Mel and I. in a way, I was quite hurt. But, as he willing to let it go, well, I might as well go along je. So, there we were. Alibi’s. At Setiawangsa. Yang kami tak pernah lepak. Shisha lagi. Best. And then, came Rahman, and his brother. Yang aku lupe nama die. Then, Hanaffy. After a while it was getting pretty hot. Semua pun dah merepek. Shisha effect, kot.
And, just then, I saw my old friend, from PLKN dulu. Aku tahu dia duduk Setiawangsa. Wan Hakimi tak silap nama dia. Tapi dia tak ingat aku. Sedih.
After, datanglah Syafiq Izwan and the gang. Iqbal. Aizat Azlan. Muaz. Setiawangsa School Reunion. Hahah.
11 o’clock, the party’s over. It was weird though. The feelings. Seeing old friends. Haha. Well, pictures said it best. So, lihatlah.
Bye Bye 3rd Semester
It's over now.
The Final. The Tension.
Lots has been happening since the last post.
Tak taw nak start dari mane. Well, aku dah berada kat KL sekarang. The place that I once favor. But, after having been here for a while, Gosh. The Blankness and Boringness started taking its toll.
I tried Jobhunting, but the result was rather bad.
Tak dapat pun mane mane.
So, after my last paper, I did not go back, just yet.
Deep in my heart, there's a thing, I wish I would do. Least before the sem's over.
But I dd not get to do it. Which was, for me, a good thing, actually.
So there I was, at my room mate's auntie's house, in OZANA IMPIAN, Malacca. Till Wednesday. The house was fully ours, since his aunt was a teacher and would probably spent the whole day teaching.
The stay was rather good, either. We jogged at Taman Botanikal, watch movies at MBO (not going there, again), and the best part, I even bought my mom a skarf, for Mother's Day.
Well, after 5 months, the sem's over now.
I could only hope the result would turn out good.
The Final. The Tension.
Lots has been happening since the last post.
Tak taw nak start dari mane. Well, aku dah berada kat KL sekarang. The place that I once favor. But, after having been here for a while, Gosh. The Blankness and Boringness started taking its toll.
I tried Jobhunting, but the result was rather bad.
Tak dapat pun mane mane.
So, after my last paper, I did not go back, just yet.
Deep in my heart, there's a thing, I wish I would do. Least before the sem's over.
But I dd not get to do it. Which was, for me, a good thing, actually.
So there I was, at my room mate's auntie's house, in OZANA IMPIAN, Malacca. Till Wednesday. The house was fully ours, since his aunt was a teacher and would probably spent the whole day teaching.
The stay was rather good, either. We jogged at Taman Botanikal, watch movies at MBO (not going there, again), and the best part, I even bought my mom a skarf, for Mother's Day.
Well, after 5 months, the sem's over now.
I could only hope the result would turn out good.
.One More to Go.

Public relations is SOO last semester. Haha. Now, I am almost there, almost reaching Semester 4, and almost leaving all the past memories behind.
The paper was this morning, of which, tak dapat tidur dengan nyenyak, worrying sick about apekah yang bakal ditanya, susahkah soalan yang bakal keluar, masukkah apa yang aku baca ni, blah, blah. . .
Then came this morning. 6.30am. Bangun pagi, selepas hanya 3 jam lebih tidur, Subuh, dan terus kembali menelaah. Gila~!
Akhir minit belajar, tak kan semuanya akan masuk. Aku tak terlepas. Benci.
Tapi, semua dalam semua, agak berpuas hati. It went, hurmm, bittersweet.
Yang penting, tak sabar bercuti. Jumaat yang bakal menjelang, lagi EMPAT hari, dan aku akan free. FREE. haha. Oh, mungkin Isetan, Parkson, atau Estee Lauder bakal menantiku. Mungkin. But for now, I am sick of trying to be nice, when all of people wanted to do is Hurt. and No More.
Right Now, and Right Here, straight after KOMED is over, I am going to be SOO free, and to Hell with others. I tried to be the best person I could be, if you cannot live with that, then Sorry.
p/s - (Kenapelah aku tulis benda merepek nie. Environment di Library UiTM kot. Haha. Tapi, memang gembira, now that PR is over).
Sisa Semester 3 di UiTM.

Final, Final.
Semua orang pun tengah pening berFinal Exam. As for me, entahla. Semester ni, macam tak semangat, tak excited, tak best, tak confident. Ia bukanlah sesuatu yang bagus untuk dikatakan, tapi, entahla.
Pertama, Usaha. kemudian, baru Tawakal. Tapi, entahlah. CTU a.k.a Islam dan Komunikasi, ynag mana semester ini adalah yang terakhir, yang patutnya boleh buat yang terbaik, pun, ala Kadar saja.
Tapi, apa2 pun, aku mengharapkan yang terbaik. Insya Allah.
Esok, aku akan kembali ke Melaka. Menghabiskan sisa kertas exam. Dan menghabiskan sisa tugas sebagai Naib Setiausaha 2 KOMED, harapnya.
Banyak yang sudah berlaku, sejak aku last update blog ini. Tapi entahla. Untuk aku mengingati sendiri, pun begitu banyak.
Contoh manusia yang Lemah Ingatan ---> Ashraf Hafizuddin.
Cinta yang Kembali Bersemarak, Suka yang Baru Diputik, Menjadi 20 tahun, Sepuluh hari yang lalu, Cinta Pada yang Betul, Modelling Session, StoryBoard dan Grafik yang TAK menjadi, dan macam macam lagi.
For Jiha, I seriously like you, although we JUST met.
Semua itu, dalam lipatan Part 3. Dalam sejarah semester April 2009. Harapanku, Moga Penghujungnya adalah Bagus, dan Menarik, dan Ada Something REALLY GREAT, out of all this.
Everlasting Friendship.
That's what I like to think about my relationship with Mel. MY BESTIEST~!! He was the One person I care most, after My Family. He and Fikry.
He was the last one for me to be talking, before I went off to Malacca, last week.\
He was the first one for me to be seeing, straight after I arrived in KL, somewhere around two months ago.
He's the Best- EST Bestiest.
It all has gone to ashes, though.
My fault. He was asking me, practically dragging me, to go to Green Box Karaoke.
But. I wasn't in the mood.
Plus, with Public Relation and Journalism Paper, coming up.
And tomorrow's Photoshoot for KOMED. Means I have to go bck early. Means no KL- time for me.
That's the price I have to pay.
Again, THOUSANDS, THOUSANDS, THOUSANDS, apologize for Badrul Muzzamil.
This is the only way I kne how to reach him.
He was the last one for me to be talking, before I went off to Malacca, last week.\
He was the first one for me to be seeing, straight after I arrived in KL, somewhere around two months ago.
He's the Best- EST Bestiest.
It all has gone to ashes, though.
My fault. He was asking me, practically dragging me, to go to Green Box Karaoke.
But. I wasn't in the mood.
Plus, with Public Relation and Journalism Paper, coming up.
And tomorrow's Photoshoot for KOMED. Means I have to go bck early. Means no KL- time for me.
That's the price I have to pay.
Again, THOUSANDS, THOUSANDS, THOUSANDS, apologize for Badrul Muzzamil.
This is the only way I kne how to reach him.
.Last Week is the Hectic-est Week.
Two down, several more to go.
Assignment is due among the last weeks of study, of course.
And of course, the principle "Last Minute Work is The Best Work". Well, not necessarily, but that's what been practiced, by me myself.
Now that FesComm and Photo Gallery is over, things have been,less stressful for me.
But then, lots has happened since the last time this blog is updated. My brother was involved in accident, and I myself has just had my share of the same thing, last night.
Everything went so fast, and next thing I knew, I had already reach Masjid Tanah. It was like, the accident never happened. But the pain, Gosh. Now i knew, how does the four young students of Tuah, UiTM Melaka felt.
The incident taught me lots. But then, have we ever really take lesson, out of this? Hurhmm.
In the love side, well, I have develop feelings toward 5 persons. (Boleh tak 5 orang sekali. Haha.)
Tapi, it's just feelings, lah.
For days to come, presentations and assignments is on the way.
Hopefully, I would do my best, this semester, too.
Assignment is due among the last weeks of study, of course.
And of course, the principle "Last Minute Work is The Best Work". Well, not necessarily, but that's what been practiced, by me myself.
Now that FesComm and Photo Gallery is over, things have been,less stressful for me.
But then, lots has happened since the last time this blog is updated. My brother was involved in accident, and I myself has just had my share of the same thing, last night.
Everything went so fast, and next thing I knew, I had already reach Masjid Tanah. It was like, the accident never happened. But the pain, Gosh. Now i knew, how does the four young students of Tuah, UiTM Melaka felt.
The incident taught me lots. But then, have we ever really take lesson, out of this? Hurhmm.
In the love side, well, I have develop feelings toward 5 persons. (Boleh tak 5 orang sekali. Haha.)
Tapi, it's just feelings, lah.
For days to come, presentations and assignments is on the way.
Hopefully, I would do my best, this semester, too.
I Dont Know
Kenapa lah aku masih mengharap? Single? And all these while. . .
Entahlah. Just, aku tak perlukan seorang yang bernama teman, for now.
Well, peliklah.
Dulu, "Kita ni ape?", "Would you be My Love?", "Xpelah, macam terpaksa je".
Sekarang, "Sory, busy tadi", "Fahamlah, ade event, study, bla bla. .",
Aku cakap bukan pasal diri aku, (je), but almost everyone pernah rasa. Bukan nak mintak simpati. Bukan nak jaja cerita. Bukan nak undang gaduh. Tapi, dah memang itu endingnya.
Walaupun "I don't know", aku still in a relationship, and aku tahu and aku sedar tu.
Tapi bagi parti lain, mungkin, "Aku dah single sekarang. Boleh buat apa aku mahu".
Aku menunggu waktu. Untuk sendiri. Untuk gembira lagi. Lama rasanya dah tak ketawa seikhlasnya, dan segirangnya. Jika aku tahu dan boleh ubah, inilah situasi yang akan berlaku.
Q: "Kita ni ape?", "Would you be My Love?", "Xpelah, macam terpaksa je".
A: "Kita kawan je. Not more than that. Sorry", "Humm, takpelah. I choose to be on my own, alone". "Dari menipu, lebih baik berterus terang".
Jahatkah dengan I don't know?
I just... Don't Know.
Entahlah. Just, aku tak perlukan seorang yang bernama teman, for now.
Well, peliklah.
Dulu, "Kita ni ape?", "Would you be My Love?", "Xpelah, macam terpaksa je".
Sekarang, "Sory, busy tadi", "Fahamlah, ade event, study, bla bla. .",
Aku cakap bukan pasal diri aku, (je), but almost everyone pernah rasa. Bukan nak mintak simpati. Bukan nak jaja cerita. Bukan nak undang gaduh. Tapi, dah memang itu endingnya.
Walaupun "I don't know", aku still in a relationship, and aku tahu and aku sedar tu.
Tapi bagi parti lain, mungkin, "Aku dah single sekarang. Boleh buat apa aku mahu".
Aku menunggu waktu. Untuk sendiri. Untuk gembira lagi. Lama rasanya dah tak ketawa seikhlasnya, dan segirangnya. Jika aku tahu dan boleh ubah, inilah situasi yang akan berlaku.
Q: "Kita ni ape?", "Would you be My Love?", "Xpelah, macam terpaksa je".
A: "Kita kawan je. Not more than that. Sorry", "Humm, takpelah. I choose to be on my own, alone". "Dari menipu, lebih baik berterus terang".
Jahatkah dengan I don't know?
I just... Don't Know.
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